To anyone who actually reads about my little life, through my little blog...
I have upgraded my blogging to be done through iWeb. If you've never used iWeb and enjoy blogging, building websites, or uploading pictures for others to view - please do yourself a favor and go into your local Apple Retail Store and play with iWeb, which is fully loaded on every computer they sell. You can play with it in store to be sure that you like it - but I promise, it's the best amateur web developing software ever made. You can create your blog/website through iWeb, but it takes a .Mac account to actually get it onto the internet. I am currently blogging and just saving it to my computer, but I have asked for .Mac (about $70 a year) for Christmas and as soon as I get that hooked up, I will let you know the new website.
Till then,
Friday, December 14
Thursday, December 13
Well, I'm off, to my eight and last final exam! Wow, this is a weird feeling. I don't think it will set in for a while, probably until next week, when Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and then Saturday pass and I haven't gone to school at all...
That sounds sooo nice, not going to school at all. I am so looking forward to this break, and to getting all of my final grades. I think I will truly be able to relax once all my grades are in... till then!
That sounds sooo nice, not going to school at all. I am so looking forward to this break, and to getting all of my final grades. I think I will truly be able to relax once all my grades are in... till then!
Wednesday, December 12
One down, Two to go
Well, I'm sitting in my car listening to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows audiobook. I have just finished my SCI 3003 exam, which was the only one I was really worried about. I have my Library Materials final exam in about an hour and it should be easy. I added my grades and determined that I only need 170 points to get an A. The exam is only worth 100 points but my Literature Unit isn't graded yet and it's worth 140 points. I would imagine that I'll get 140 points on the Unit which means that I only need a 30 on my final. Haha, I love it when it ends up like this. The SCI exam wasn't too bad, I feel pretty good about it. Anyways, I guess I should be memorizing my five favorite books with author and illustrator. Nothing too difficult.
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, December 10
So I just reread my very first post about how much hell I was going through while taking all those freaking hours this semester... well, this semester is coming to a close and looking back I don't remember it being that difficult... well, I've signed up for just as many classes this upcoming semester as I took this semester.
Was this smart? Was it really that difficult? Or was I being a baby?
I really don't know at this point. I've got the next 3 semesters planned out to a T. This semester (Spring 2008) is going to be 8 classes, one class during Summer 1, one class during Summer 2, and then 6 final classes during Fall 2008. I want to leave Fall pretty open so that if something happens, like if I have to drop something this Spring or if my planned class isn't available during Summer, I can easily move it into Fall and not be too pressured. I like this plan... but I don't want to kill myself. Oh well, I'll stay in these classes and just work through it - I didn't quit work so that I could live the life of luxury.
Was this smart? Was it really that difficult? Or was I being a baby?
I really don't know at this point. I've got the next 3 semesters planned out to a T. This semester (Spring 2008) is going to be 8 classes, one class during Summer 1, one class during Summer 2, and then 6 final classes during Fall 2008. I want to leave Fall pretty open so that if something happens, like if I have to drop something this Spring or if my planned class isn't available during Summer, I can easily move it into Fall and not be too pressured. I like this plan... but I don't want to kill myself. Oh well, I'll stay in these classes and just work through it - I didn't quit work so that I could live the life of luxury.
Blogs of Note
I really don't agree that the chosen 'Blogs of Note' are all that special. They all seem to be about green peace, global warming or save the animals. I guess some people like reading about this stuff but I am not one of them. I wish they would choose blogs about normal people doing normal things. There was one that I really liked on the Blogs of Note and that was Mimi on the Breach, and it is about a woman with a child who is a professor from Canada. I really enjoy reading about her, but my absolute favorite blog is, she is a normal housewife with 2 kids and I love reading about all the crafts she and her family do. I guess this isn't what other people enjoy but blogspot is shitty if your wanting to read other peoples blogs and the Blogs of Note are really the only way to do that, but with the shitty choices... it doesn't help much...
that was my rant for the day.
that was my rant for the day.
I know I still have 3 days to go before classes are over, but I can feel myself relaxing and getting into "break" mode. I have decided to change my schedule around (yet again) and I have moved the 1 winter class I was going to take to Spring semester so that I can get more out of that class (Long story). So, that means that I am not taking any winter classes - none at all. I lied to mom/dad and told them that I was initially taking 2 classes, well, I told them that I moved one of them to the next semester so they still think I am taking one. I don't think they'd care, but I don't want either of them to look at me as a slacker. So
- To Do During 4 Week Winter Break -
Organize Linen Closet
Finish Grandma's Photo Album
GO TO GYM! God damnit I need to lose weight
Find desserts to take to 2 Christmas's
Sell textbooks on Amazon
I feel better now that everything is slowing down. I'm really not having to study too much for my 3 exams coming up. The SCI one is just fucked whether I study or not. The LS one needs some preparing, but not really studying - and the READ one needs nothing, I just need to show up with all the info I've been preparing all semester. I'm not nervous about them all either - I'm just ready to get them over with.
Here's my mindset on the whole gym thing - I know that if I went consistently I would lose the weight I've been wanting to lose for a long time. It's not nearly that bad once I actually walk my ass down there, and I always feel better afterwards - I just cannot make myself change clothes and walk down there. I get discouraged because I have no gym/work out clothes, I have nothing good to listen to on my iPod, and I hate it when there are people down there that I have to compete with. I hate the fact that everyone in my family goes to the gym except for me and that everyone except for me is in good shape. I hate the fact that I've always thought I was too fat but when I look at past pictures I realize that I'm fatter now than I've ever been. I keep talking about how bored I am and how bored I'm going to be once all these classes are over - but the one thing that would for sure take up a good amount of time - going to the gym - is the one thing I hate more than anything else. I would rather throw up 10 times a day than go to the gym. But since my thrower-upper is broken at the moment, I think I need to go... balls.
- To Do During 4 Week Winter Break -
Organize Linen Closet
Finish Grandma's Photo Album
GO TO GYM! God damnit I need to lose weight
Find desserts to take to 2 Christmas's
Sell textbooks on Amazon
I feel better now that everything is slowing down. I'm really not having to study too much for my 3 exams coming up. The SCI one is just fucked whether I study or not. The LS one needs some preparing, but not really studying - and the READ one needs nothing, I just need to show up with all the info I've been preparing all semester. I'm not nervous about them all either - I'm just ready to get them over with.
Here's my mindset on the whole gym thing - I know that if I went consistently I would lose the weight I've been wanting to lose for a long time. It's not nearly that bad once I actually walk my ass down there, and I always feel better afterwards - I just cannot make myself change clothes and walk down there. I get discouraged because I have no gym/work out clothes, I have nothing good to listen to on my iPod, and I hate it when there are people down there that I have to compete with. I hate the fact that everyone in my family goes to the gym except for me and that everyone except for me is in good shape. I hate the fact that I've always thought I was too fat but when I look at past pictures I realize that I'm fatter now than I've ever been. I keep talking about how bored I am and how bored I'm going to be once all these classes are over - but the one thing that would for sure take up a good amount of time - going to the gym - is the one thing I hate more than anything else. I would rather throw up 10 times a day than go to the gym. But since my thrower-upper is broken at the moment, I think I need to go... balls.
Saturday, December 8
Freezing my ass off
Howie, Alex, Jack and I just got home from Fireside Pies. Jack got a gift-card for his birthday so we went out to eat, Howie called and wanted to hang out so we invited him too, then I remembered that Alex was home by himself so I invited him too. Dinner was all the money on our card but we paid for everyone and that was very nice of us. We then went to Coldstone and I got some cinnamon ice cream but I was too full to eat it so now it's over freezing in my freezer. Jack and Howie are playing Mario and ignoring me... although that's much better than actually talking to me.
I went shopping with Grandma and Mom today and found these kick ass boots. They were/are a Christams present but I was so excited about them that she gave them to me early!!! I wore them to dinner tonight and will wear them to lunch with Michelle tomorrow. I love them. I had a pair like these in the past, but they had a huge hooker heel on them and were very fancy, so I had nothing to wear them with and they killed my feet. I will wear these alot because they are so casual. I wore them tonight with this bad ass Harajuku Lovers tee shirt.

The boots are not as short and scrunchy as I wanted, but very cute nonetheless. I felt very cute and not uncomfortable at all. The shirt is really cute, it says Gwen in very faint letters on the front and I got it in green and mom got this one in white and another one in red with different whorish girls on the backs. I love them both alot. THANKS GRANDMA!!
I'm meeting Grandma and Michelle for lunch tomorrow at Firewheel. I'm just going to go to lunch and not go shopping with them because I'm going to head to Dad's after that and help him decorate his Christmas Tree. Should be alright... saw him at Fireside Pies tonight with his date, she was cute, but they didn't seem to be talking very much. Alex said he saw them later and dad had his arm around her shoulders... how romantic!
I went shopping with Grandma and Mom today and found these kick ass boots. They were/are a Christams present but I was so excited about them that she gave them to me early!!! I wore them to dinner tonight and will wear them to lunch with Michelle tomorrow. I love them. I had a pair like these in the past, but they had a huge hooker heel on them and were very fancy, so I had nothing to wear them with and they killed my feet. I will wear these alot because they are so casual. I wore them tonight with this bad ass Harajuku Lovers tee shirt.

The boots are not as short and scrunchy as I wanted, but very cute nonetheless. I felt very cute and not uncomfortable at all. The shirt is really cute, it says Gwen in very faint letters on the front and I got it in green and mom got this one in white and another one in red with different whorish girls on the backs. I love them both alot. THANKS GRANDMA!!
I'm meeting Grandma and Michelle for lunch tomorrow at Firewheel. I'm just going to go to lunch and not go shopping with them because I'm going to head to Dad's after that and help him decorate his Christmas Tree. Should be alright... saw him at Fireside Pies tonight with his date, she was cute, but they didn't seem to be talking very much. Alex said he saw them later and dad had his arm around her shoulders... how romantic!
Thursday, December 6
Almost over...
Well... it seems I've survived my first semester of TWU. It feels great that I managed to finish the semester with all 8 classes - all 24 credit hours completed. I just completed my Earth Science class (I had one test and a final left to take online) and I have 4 classes left to take finals in. Those uncompleted classes include SCI 3003, MATH 1350 (at RICH), READ 3413, and LS 3013. The last final is Thursday Dec. 13th, over by 10am. I can't wait. I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do all winter but it's going to be so nice. So far I have a B in MATH 1533, a C in World Geog and a B in Earth Science. I'm not proud of those grades and am constantly worrying because I have to have a 3.0 average over the last 60 hours to get accepted into the masters program at TWU. My overall GPA is over a 3.0 (although not by much) but I'm not sure about the the last 60 hours. I need a couple of the classes that are still not completed to be A's. LS, READ and CDEC should be A's... but who knows with that fucking crazy CDEC teacher. Ah, gotta stop thinking about all this. Monday is over, Wednesday I have SCI's final at 1030 and LS's final at 1pm. Then Thursday I have READ's final at 8am. Then... I'm... done... ahhhh.
Well, mom told me that she kinda talked dad into paying for Spring semester out of pocket instead of getting it out of my account. But I'm not supposed to know because he wants to make it a surprise... lame. I hate having to fake being excited. It's so much pressure. But... I am very very glad that he is doing this. I want my fund to be intact when I plan my wedding so I know exactly how much I can spend and mom made the observation that most likely, I will spend less if it's coming out of my fund rather than out of their pockets. Very true. Hopefully Jack's parents will chip in some for that, that would be excellent - he mentioned that the grooms parents usually pay for the honeymoon - that would be wonderful!
Well, I'm heading to Willow Bend to have dinner with Jacky during his break. I'm going to take the clothes he got for his birthday that he doesn't like/don't fit and see if we can exchange them for something he likes better.
I guess I have some more books to sell on Amazon! Yay money!!
Well, mom told me that she kinda talked dad into paying for Spring semester out of pocket instead of getting it out of my account. But I'm not supposed to know because he wants to make it a surprise... lame. I hate having to fake being excited. It's so much pressure. But... I am very very glad that he is doing this. I want my fund to be intact when I plan my wedding so I know exactly how much I can spend and mom made the observation that most likely, I will spend less if it's coming out of my fund rather than out of their pockets. Very true. Hopefully Jack's parents will chip in some for that, that would be excellent - he mentioned that the grooms parents usually pay for the honeymoon - that would be wonderful!
Well, I'm heading to Willow Bend to have dinner with Jacky during his break. I'm going to take the clothes he got for his birthday that he doesn't like/don't fit and see if we can exchange them for something he likes better.
I guess I have some more books to sell on Amazon! Yay money!!
Wednesday, December 5
Jack's Birthday Dinner
Well, Jack's birthday has come and gone. We had the huge birthday dinner for 16 people at PF Changs and it went really well. Everyone seemed to of enjoyed themselves, and I was able to calm down and relax and enjoy it also after mom ordered me a few adult beverages. Everyone was there except my grandma who decided at the last second after getting in her car and heading this way to not come because she's scared of driving in the dark.
Mom and John Burt seemed to hit it off unfortunately. They were very flirty/talky at dinner and at the last second he decided to come over to our apartment for after-dinner-festivities when he found out she was coming. They sat at the desk and chit-chatted the entire night, watching people get injured in YouTube videos and rap videos. I kept an eye on them and about 11pm they both left - TOGETHER! I made some rude comments to mom about leaving together and her getting gum on the way out and I was afraid that she'd get upset at me but then I decided that she already knows my opinion of her dating/fucking Burt and that I have always had a crush on him. If anyone should be mad it's me! She's the one that blatantly flirted with him all fucking night RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!! I tried not to care, because I have the best husband in the entire world, but still - despite that fact that I like him, it's still strange of your fucking mom to date one of your good friends! Especially after I explicitly told her that I was not comfortable with it!! Bitches. What am I gonna do? I guess forget about it. I'm for sure not going to call her and ask how it went. She didn't have a car here, so I'm assuming that he drove her home... interesting... better not have...
It's well past midnight and I need sleep, thank god I don't have to be at school at 8am tomorrow. Teaching Math II is over - I accepted my B grade and am not taking the final. I think that's 3 classes down - 5 to go.
Mom and John Burt seemed to hit it off unfortunately. They were very flirty/talky at dinner and at the last second he decided to come over to our apartment for after-dinner-festivities when he found out she was coming. They sat at the desk and chit-chatted the entire night, watching people get injured in YouTube videos and rap videos. I kept an eye on them and about 11pm they both left - TOGETHER! I made some rude comments to mom about leaving together and her getting gum on the way out and I was afraid that she'd get upset at me but then I decided that she already knows my opinion of her dating/fucking Burt and that I have always had a crush on him. If anyone should be mad it's me! She's the one that blatantly flirted with him all fucking night RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!! I tried not to care, because I have the best husband in the entire world, but still - despite that fact that I like him, it's still strange of your fucking mom to date one of your good friends! Especially after I explicitly told her that I was not comfortable with it!! Bitches. What am I gonna do? I guess forget about it. I'm for sure not going to call her and ask how it went. She didn't have a car here, so I'm assuming that he drove her home... interesting... better not have...
It's well past midnight and I need sleep, thank god I don't have to be at school at 8am tomorrow. Teaching Math II is over - I accepted my B grade and am not taking the final. I think that's 3 classes down - 5 to go.
Sunday, December 2
***I got a 90 on my last Teaching Elementary Math test of the semester! (Only the final left to go)***
Christmas shopping is over almost as soon as it began. I overspent the $500 mom gave me to spend on everyone. I think I'm about $50 over. I'll stop now. I really don't feel like I have enough for mom though. Very unfortunate. But I feel like I at least got everyone something.
I got mom: a back crucifix necklace ($60), a light up remote ($40) (and a joke jumbo remote for $10), an Ed Hardy hat ($129!), some Lucky jewelry ($30)
I got dad: several different sizes of wine glasses (red wine, white wine and champagne glasses), a good cork screw, and a wine glass holder that will hang upside down on his shelf thing in the kitchen (total only about $55!)
I got Alex: a Jawbone wireless headset for his cellphone ($100)
I got Grandma: Planet Earth coffee table book ($23)
I got Burt: a Cannabis Cookbook ($17)
I got Vicki: travel size Juicy perfume ($55)
I think there's more but I can't think of it now. I spent too much on Alex and Vicki but those are the only gifts I could think of and that's just how much they cost. I'm sure they'll appreciate it though.
Christmas shopping is over almost as soon as it began. I overspent the $500 mom gave me to spend on everyone. I think I'm about $50 over. I'll stop now. I really don't feel like I have enough for mom though. Very unfortunate. But I feel like I at least got everyone something.
I got mom: a back crucifix necklace ($60), a light up remote ($40) (and a joke jumbo remote for $10), an Ed Hardy hat ($129!), some Lucky jewelry ($30)
I got dad: several different sizes of wine glasses (red wine, white wine and champagne glasses), a good cork screw, and a wine glass holder that will hang upside down on his shelf thing in the kitchen (total only about $55!)
I got Alex: a Jawbone wireless headset for his cellphone ($100)
I got Grandma: Planet Earth coffee table book ($23)
I got Burt: a Cannabis Cookbook ($17)
I got Vicki: travel size Juicy perfume ($55)
I think there's more but I can't think of it now. I spent too much on Alex and Vicki but those are the only gifts I could think of and that's just how much they cost. I'm sure they'll appreciate it though.
Bored as shit.
Well, I'm alone again today. Jack is at work and mom is with her boyfriend and I'm at home with the dogs. I started playing Sim Cities Societies today and it was pretty cool, I felt like it didn't have any goals or anything to accomplish. Most people who've never played the Sims 2 would say the same thing about it, but it's completely not true. Playing Sims 2 you get the satisfaction of seeing your Sims grow up and get jobs and do all these wonderful things and then die. Playing Societies, you just make your town bigger and bigger and it's never over. I don't know if I like that. I think I will keep playing a little bit, but it crashed and I think it deleted a part of my city.
I really have no homework to do, no tests to take or anything. I do have laundry that needs to be done and the house needs some straightening. But those things are no fun. I usually clean everything up the 30 minutes before Jack gets off work. I like the house being clean for him when he gets here, but I don't mind it being dirty when it's just me in the house.
Something weird happened to me today... I was trying to throw up... and I couldn't! I tried and gagged and gagged and nothing came up, I had just eaten so I know there was stuff in there, but nothing would come up!! So aggravating! So, I just quite trying and moved on. I guess it just didn't want to be thrown up. Annoying.
Off to try and entertain myself for another 3.5 hours before Jack comes home. We're having Sloppy Joes for dinner - egh.
I really have no homework to do, no tests to take or anything. I do have laundry that needs to be done and the house needs some straightening. But those things are no fun. I usually clean everything up the 30 minutes before Jack gets off work. I like the house being clean for him when he gets here, but I don't mind it being dirty when it's just me in the house.
Something weird happened to me today... I was trying to throw up... and I couldn't! I tried and gagged and gagged and nothing came up, I had just eaten so I know there was stuff in there, but nothing would come up!! So aggravating! So, I just quite trying and moved on. I guess it just didn't want to be thrown up. Annoying.
Off to try and entertain myself for another 3.5 hours before Jack comes home. We're having Sloppy Joes for dinner - egh.
Saturday, December 1
And Dr. Jones comes around...
Well, you won't believe it. I had my 3rd SCI 3003 test on the Monday after Thanksgiving (remember me bitching about that?) and I felt really good about it afterwards. Well, Bonny, Mindy and I went to his office to get our tests before class so that we wouldn't be near heart-attack while he was passing them out and you won't believe it - I made a freaking 90!!!! As he was laying the scantrons on the desk looking for ours, all I saw was red X's, some people really failed bad, and I can't even believe that I freaking passed! Holy shit! I felt soooo good after that. Of course Bonnye had to one up me by getting a freaking 96. So my three grades are a 68, 57 and 90. That brings my average from a 62 to a 72! I am actually going to pass and deserve it. I'm not longer worried about him maybe bumping my grade up to pass or anything, I am no longer considering giving Dr. Jones a lap-dance. I am actually going to pass. Wow.
Well.... let's not get ahead of ourselves. There is still one more test to go. And doing the math quickly I have to get a 60 to still be passing on my own... hum... interesting. I really do feel like that test was easier. I felt like hadn't studied any differently or longer or anything, I just think that test was more on my level. Maybe Dr. Jones will be happy with the higher grades and make the next test like that too. There really isn't too much left to cover because we only have 2 class periods left to cover it but ya never know. I just need to study really hard for this next test and hope like hell I do good. Surely he'll pass me - haha, see I'm back to hoping again. Ah, college is a bitch.
Well.... let's not get ahead of ourselves. There is still one more test to go. And doing the math quickly I have to get a 60 to still be passing on my own... hum... interesting. I really do feel like that test was easier. I felt like hadn't studied any differently or longer or anything, I just think that test was more on my level. Maybe Dr. Jones will be happy with the higher grades and make the next test like that too. There really isn't too much left to cover because we only have 2 class periods left to cover it but ya never know. I just need to study really hard for this next test and hope like hell I do good. Surely he'll pass me - haha, see I'm back to hoping again. Ah, college is a bitch.
What i've been into lately:

This freaking movie. I saw it in theaters several months ago and loved it. Well, it came out on DVD the 27th (which I've had on my calender forever) and I acquired it. It's been out about 5 days and I've probably watched it 12 times. I love it. Jack love's it too...
Do you see my count-down on the side of my page? --------------->
Well, it's getting closer and closer to D-day, the last day of classes.. I've actually finished with all major projects and it's too soon to start studying for finals, so I've really been quite bored, thus the Waitress movie.
I made a observation about my favorite movies (aside from Harry Potter). They usually include an abusive husband, and unhappily pregnant women who eventually either leaves or gets left my her husband... and then is extremely happy after the baby is born. This is odd, and I pointed it out to Jack but he didn't appreciate it like I did. The movies I am now speaking of is Where the Heart Is and The Waitress. Very interesting.
I'm about to head off to my 3rd Teaching Elementary Mathematics test. Only the final left to go and it's next Saturday! I studied yesterday and this morning and it really shouldn't be difficult. I implemented my sure-fire way of passing too... I won't mention that here for fear of too much shame.
I'm meeting Grandma and Mom afterwards for lunch and possibly a movie, I hope we go back to Celebrity, I'm having withdraws because it's been at least 2 weeks since we've been there.
I keep obsessing about my schedule for next semester, not nearly as bad as before registration, but still bad. Jack thinks I'm going to be really happy once classes are over on the 13th, but honestly I think I'm going to be reallllly bored and have NOTHING to do. I am taking one class this wintermester, but I can finish one online class in less than a week, honestly. I tried playing the Sims yesterday, but I really do think that phase of my life is over, it was very boring and I just couldn't get into it. I downloaded the new SimCities game, that at least is a little more adult... but it probably won't last either. I feel like I need a hobby during my break - The Sims has always been my hobby during these desperate times, but now I need something more. I'm thinking I will probably like the Mario Galaxy game I'm giving Jack for his birthday on Tuesday. Maybe that will work for me. I really should be spending some of that time in the gym, working on not getting any fatter - but ya win some ya lose some.
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