The continuation of my blog is at
And if you're interested, the blog I made my family for Christmas is at
Friday, January 4
Friday, December 14
Public Service Announcement
To anyone who actually reads about my little life, through my little blog...
I have upgraded my blogging to be done through iWeb. If you've never used iWeb and enjoy blogging, building websites, or uploading pictures for others to view - please do yourself a favor and go into your local Apple Retail Store and play with iWeb, which is fully loaded on every computer they sell. You can play with it in store to be sure that you like it - but I promise, it's the best amateur web developing software ever made. You can create your blog/website through iWeb, but it takes a .Mac account to actually get it onto the internet. I am currently blogging and just saving it to my computer, but I have asked for .Mac (about $70 a year) for Christmas and as soon as I get that hooked up, I will let you know the new website.
Till then,
I have upgraded my blogging to be done through iWeb. If you've never used iWeb and enjoy blogging, building websites, or uploading pictures for others to view - please do yourself a favor and go into your local Apple Retail Store and play with iWeb, which is fully loaded on every computer they sell. You can play with it in store to be sure that you like it - but I promise, it's the best amateur web developing software ever made. You can create your blog/website through iWeb, but it takes a .Mac account to actually get it onto the internet. I am currently blogging and just saving it to my computer, but I have asked for .Mac (about $70 a year) for Christmas and as soon as I get that hooked up, I will let you know the new website.
Till then,
Thursday, December 13
Well, I'm off, to my eight and last final exam! Wow, this is a weird feeling. I don't think it will set in for a while, probably until next week, when Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and then Saturday pass and I haven't gone to school at all...
That sounds sooo nice, not going to school at all. I am so looking forward to this break, and to getting all of my final grades. I think I will truly be able to relax once all my grades are in... till then!
That sounds sooo nice, not going to school at all. I am so looking forward to this break, and to getting all of my final grades. I think I will truly be able to relax once all my grades are in... till then!
Wednesday, December 12
One down, Two to go
Well, I'm sitting in my car listening to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows audiobook. I have just finished my SCI 3003 exam, which was the only one I was really worried about. I have my Library Materials final exam in about an hour and it should be easy. I added my grades and determined that I only need 170 points to get an A. The exam is only worth 100 points but my Literature Unit isn't graded yet and it's worth 140 points. I would imagine that I'll get 140 points on the Unit which means that I only need a 30 on my final. Haha, I love it when it ends up like this. The SCI exam wasn't too bad, I feel pretty good about it. Anyways, I guess I should be memorizing my five favorite books with author and illustrator. Nothing too difficult.
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, December 10
So I just reread my very first post about how much hell I was going through while taking all those freaking hours this semester... well, this semester is coming to a close and looking back I don't remember it being that difficult... well, I've signed up for just as many classes this upcoming semester as I took this semester.
Was this smart? Was it really that difficult? Or was I being a baby?
I really don't know at this point. I've got the next 3 semesters planned out to a T. This semester (Spring 2008) is going to be 8 classes, one class during Summer 1, one class during Summer 2, and then 6 final classes during Fall 2008. I want to leave Fall pretty open so that if something happens, like if I have to drop something this Spring or if my planned class isn't available during Summer, I can easily move it into Fall and not be too pressured. I like this plan... but I don't want to kill myself. Oh well, I'll stay in these classes and just work through it - I didn't quit work so that I could live the life of luxury.
Was this smart? Was it really that difficult? Or was I being a baby?
I really don't know at this point. I've got the next 3 semesters planned out to a T. This semester (Spring 2008) is going to be 8 classes, one class during Summer 1, one class during Summer 2, and then 6 final classes during Fall 2008. I want to leave Fall pretty open so that if something happens, like if I have to drop something this Spring or if my planned class isn't available during Summer, I can easily move it into Fall and not be too pressured. I like this plan... but I don't want to kill myself. Oh well, I'll stay in these classes and just work through it - I didn't quit work so that I could live the life of luxury.
Blogs of Note
I really don't agree that the chosen 'Blogs of Note' are all that special. They all seem to be about green peace, global warming or save the animals. I guess some people like reading about this stuff but I am not one of them. I wish they would choose blogs about normal people doing normal things. There was one that I really liked on the Blogs of Note and that was Mimi on the Breach, and it is about a woman with a child who is a professor from Canada. I really enjoy reading about her, but my absolute favorite blog is, she is a normal housewife with 2 kids and I love reading about all the crafts she and her family do. I guess this isn't what other people enjoy but blogspot is shitty if your wanting to read other peoples blogs and the Blogs of Note are really the only way to do that, but with the shitty choices... it doesn't help much...
that was my rant for the day.
that was my rant for the day.
I know I still have 3 days to go before classes are over, but I can feel myself relaxing and getting into "break" mode. I have decided to change my schedule around (yet again) and I have moved the 1 winter class I was going to take to Spring semester so that I can get more out of that class (Long story). So, that means that I am not taking any winter classes - none at all. I lied to mom/dad and told them that I was initially taking 2 classes, well, I told them that I moved one of them to the next semester so they still think I am taking one. I don't think they'd care, but I don't want either of them to look at me as a slacker. So
- To Do During 4 Week Winter Break -
Organize Linen Closet
Finish Grandma's Photo Album
GO TO GYM! God damnit I need to lose weight
Find desserts to take to 2 Christmas's
Sell textbooks on Amazon
I feel better now that everything is slowing down. I'm really not having to study too much for my 3 exams coming up. The SCI one is just fucked whether I study or not. The LS one needs some preparing, but not really studying - and the READ one needs nothing, I just need to show up with all the info I've been preparing all semester. I'm not nervous about them all either - I'm just ready to get them over with.
Here's my mindset on the whole gym thing - I know that if I went consistently I would lose the weight I've been wanting to lose for a long time. It's not nearly that bad once I actually walk my ass down there, and I always feel better afterwards - I just cannot make myself change clothes and walk down there. I get discouraged because I have no gym/work out clothes, I have nothing good to listen to on my iPod, and I hate it when there are people down there that I have to compete with. I hate the fact that everyone in my family goes to the gym except for me and that everyone except for me is in good shape. I hate the fact that I've always thought I was too fat but when I look at past pictures I realize that I'm fatter now than I've ever been. I keep talking about how bored I am and how bored I'm going to be once all these classes are over - but the one thing that would for sure take up a good amount of time - going to the gym - is the one thing I hate more than anything else. I would rather throw up 10 times a day than go to the gym. But since my thrower-upper is broken at the moment, I think I need to go... balls.
- To Do During 4 Week Winter Break -
Organize Linen Closet
Finish Grandma's Photo Album
GO TO GYM! God damnit I need to lose weight
Find desserts to take to 2 Christmas's
Sell textbooks on Amazon
I feel better now that everything is slowing down. I'm really not having to study too much for my 3 exams coming up. The SCI one is just fucked whether I study or not. The LS one needs some preparing, but not really studying - and the READ one needs nothing, I just need to show up with all the info I've been preparing all semester. I'm not nervous about them all either - I'm just ready to get them over with.
Here's my mindset on the whole gym thing - I know that if I went consistently I would lose the weight I've been wanting to lose for a long time. It's not nearly that bad once I actually walk my ass down there, and I always feel better afterwards - I just cannot make myself change clothes and walk down there. I get discouraged because I have no gym/work out clothes, I have nothing good to listen to on my iPod, and I hate it when there are people down there that I have to compete with. I hate the fact that everyone in my family goes to the gym except for me and that everyone except for me is in good shape. I hate the fact that I've always thought I was too fat but when I look at past pictures I realize that I'm fatter now than I've ever been. I keep talking about how bored I am and how bored I'm going to be once all these classes are over - but the one thing that would for sure take up a good amount of time - going to the gym - is the one thing I hate more than anything else. I would rather throw up 10 times a day than go to the gym. But since my thrower-upper is broken at the moment, I think I need to go... balls.
Saturday, December 8
Freezing my ass off
Howie, Alex, Jack and I just got home from Fireside Pies. Jack got a gift-card for his birthday so we went out to eat, Howie called and wanted to hang out so we invited him too, then I remembered that Alex was home by himself so I invited him too. Dinner was all the money on our card but we paid for everyone and that was very nice of us. We then went to Coldstone and I got some cinnamon ice cream but I was too full to eat it so now it's over freezing in my freezer. Jack and Howie are playing Mario and ignoring me... although that's much better than actually talking to me.
I went shopping with Grandma and Mom today and found these kick ass boots. They were/are a Christams present but I was so excited about them that she gave them to me early!!! I wore them to dinner tonight and will wear them to lunch with Michelle tomorrow. I love them. I had a pair like these in the past, but they had a huge hooker heel on them and were very fancy, so I had nothing to wear them with and they killed my feet. I will wear these alot because they are so casual. I wore them tonight with this bad ass Harajuku Lovers tee shirt.

The boots are not as short and scrunchy as I wanted, but very cute nonetheless. I felt very cute and not uncomfortable at all. The shirt is really cute, it says Gwen in very faint letters on the front and I got it in green and mom got this one in white and another one in red with different whorish girls on the backs. I love them both alot. THANKS GRANDMA!!
I'm meeting Grandma and Michelle for lunch tomorrow at Firewheel. I'm just going to go to lunch and not go shopping with them because I'm going to head to Dad's after that and help him decorate his Christmas Tree. Should be alright... saw him at Fireside Pies tonight with his date, she was cute, but they didn't seem to be talking very much. Alex said he saw them later and dad had his arm around her shoulders... how romantic!
I went shopping with Grandma and Mom today and found these kick ass boots. They were/are a Christams present but I was so excited about them that she gave them to me early!!! I wore them to dinner tonight and will wear them to lunch with Michelle tomorrow. I love them. I had a pair like these in the past, but they had a huge hooker heel on them and were very fancy, so I had nothing to wear them with and they killed my feet. I will wear these alot because they are so casual. I wore them tonight with this bad ass Harajuku Lovers tee shirt.

The boots are not as short and scrunchy as I wanted, but very cute nonetheless. I felt very cute and not uncomfortable at all. The shirt is really cute, it says Gwen in very faint letters on the front and I got it in green and mom got this one in white and another one in red with different whorish girls on the backs. I love them both alot. THANKS GRANDMA!!
I'm meeting Grandma and Michelle for lunch tomorrow at Firewheel. I'm just going to go to lunch and not go shopping with them because I'm going to head to Dad's after that and help him decorate his Christmas Tree. Should be alright... saw him at Fireside Pies tonight with his date, she was cute, but they didn't seem to be talking very much. Alex said he saw them later and dad had his arm around her shoulders... how romantic!
Thursday, December 6
Almost over...
Well... it seems I've survived my first semester of TWU. It feels great that I managed to finish the semester with all 8 classes - all 24 credit hours completed. I just completed my Earth Science class (I had one test and a final left to take online) and I have 4 classes left to take finals in. Those uncompleted classes include SCI 3003, MATH 1350 (at RICH), READ 3413, and LS 3013. The last final is Thursday Dec. 13th, over by 10am. I can't wait. I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do all winter but it's going to be so nice. So far I have a B in MATH 1533, a C in World Geog and a B in Earth Science. I'm not proud of those grades and am constantly worrying because I have to have a 3.0 average over the last 60 hours to get accepted into the masters program at TWU. My overall GPA is over a 3.0 (although not by much) but I'm not sure about the the last 60 hours. I need a couple of the classes that are still not completed to be A's. LS, READ and CDEC should be A's... but who knows with that fucking crazy CDEC teacher. Ah, gotta stop thinking about all this. Monday is over, Wednesday I have SCI's final at 1030 and LS's final at 1pm. Then Thursday I have READ's final at 8am. Then... I'm... done... ahhhh.
Well, mom told me that she kinda talked dad into paying for Spring semester out of pocket instead of getting it out of my account. But I'm not supposed to know because he wants to make it a surprise... lame. I hate having to fake being excited. It's so much pressure. But... I am very very glad that he is doing this. I want my fund to be intact when I plan my wedding so I know exactly how much I can spend and mom made the observation that most likely, I will spend less if it's coming out of my fund rather than out of their pockets. Very true. Hopefully Jack's parents will chip in some for that, that would be excellent - he mentioned that the grooms parents usually pay for the honeymoon - that would be wonderful!
Well, I'm heading to Willow Bend to have dinner with Jacky during his break. I'm going to take the clothes he got for his birthday that he doesn't like/don't fit and see if we can exchange them for something he likes better.
I guess I have some more books to sell on Amazon! Yay money!!
Well, mom told me that she kinda talked dad into paying for Spring semester out of pocket instead of getting it out of my account. But I'm not supposed to know because he wants to make it a surprise... lame. I hate having to fake being excited. It's so much pressure. But... I am very very glad that he is doing this. I want my fund to be intact when I plan my wedding so I know exactly how much I can spend and mom made the observation that most likely, I will spend less if it's coming out of my fund rather than out of their pockets. Very true. Hopefully Jack's parents will chip in some for that, that would be excellent - he mentioned that the grooms parents usually pay for the honeymoon - that would be wonderful!
Well, I'm heading to Willow Bend to have dinner with Jacky during his break. I'm going to take the clothes he got for his birthday that he doesn't like/don't fit and see if we can exchange them for something he likes better.
I guess I have some more books to sell on Amazon! Yay money!!
Wednesday, December 5
Jack's Birthday Dinner
Well, Jack's birthday has come and gone. We had the huge birthday dinner for 16 people at PF Changs and it went really well. Everyone seemed to of enjoyed themselves, and I was able to calm down and relax and enjoy it also after mom ordered me a few adult beverages. Everyone was there except my grandma who decided at the last second after getting in her car and heading this way to not come because she's scared of driving in the dark.
Mom and John Burt seemed to hit it off unfortunately. They were very flirty/talky at dinner and at the last second he decided to come over to our apartment for after-dinner-festivities when he found out she was coming. They sat at the desk and chit-chatted the entire night, watching people get injured in YouTube videos and rap videos. I kept an eye on them and about 11pm they both left - TOGETHER! I made some rude comments to mom about leaving together and her getting gum on the way out and I was afraid that she'd get upset at me but then I decided that she already knows my opinion of her dating/fucking Burt and that I have always had a crush on him. If anyone should be mad it's me! She's the one that blatantly flirted with him all fucking night RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!! I tried not to care, because I have the best husband in the entire world, but still - despite that fact that I like him, it's still strange of your fucking mom to date one of your good friends! Especially after I explicitly told her that I was not comfortable with it!! Bitches. What am I gonna do? I guess forget about it. I'm for sure not going to call her and ask how it went. She didn't have a car here, so I'm assuming that he drove her home... interesting... better not have...
It's well past midnight and I need sleep, thank god I don't have to be at school at 8am tomorrow. Teaching Math II is over - I accepted my B grade and am not taking the final. I think that's 3 classes down - 5 to go.
Mom and John Burt seemed to hit it off unfortunately. They were very flirty/talky at dinner and at the last second he decided to come over to our apartment for after-dinner-festivities when he found out she was coming. They sat at the desk and chit-chatted the entire night, watching people get injured in YouTube videos and rap videos. I kept an eye on them and about 11pm they both left - TOGETHER! I made some rude comments to mom about leaving together and her getting gum on the way out and I was afraid that she'd get upset at me but then I decided that she already knows my opinion of her dating/fucking Burt and that I have always had a crush on him. If anyone should be mad it's me! She's the one that blatantly flirted with him all fucking night RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!! I tried not to care, because I have the best husband in the entire world, but still - despite that fact that I like him, it's still strange of your fucking mom to date one of your good friends! Especially after I explicitly told her that I was not comfortable with it!! Bitches. What am I gonna do? I guess forget about it. I'm for sure not going to call her and ask how it went. She didn't have a car here, so I'm assuming that he drove her home... interesting... better not have...
It's well past midnight and I need sleep, thank god I don't have to be at school at 8am tomorrow. Teaching Math II is over - I accepted my B grade and am not taking the final. I think that's 3 classes down - 5 to go.
Sunday, December 2
***I got a 90 on my last Teaching Elementary Math test of the semester! (Only the final left to go)***
Christmas shopping is over almost as soon as it began. I overspent the $500 mom gave me to spend on everyone. I think I'm about $50 over. I'll stop now. I really don't feel like I have enough for mom though. Very unfortunate. But I feel like I at least got everyone something.
I got mom: a back crucifix necklace ($60), a light up remote ($40) (and a joke jumbo remote for $10), an Ed Hardy hat ($129!), some Lucky jewelry ($30)
I got dad: several different sizes of wine glasses (red wine, white wine and champagne glasses), a good cork screw, and a wine glass holder that will hang upside down on his shelf thing in the kitchen (total only about $55!)
I got Alex: a Jawbone wireless headset for his cellphone ($100)
I got Grandma: Planet Earth coffee table book ($23)
I got Burt: a Cannabis Cookbook ($17)
I got Vicki: travel size Juicy perfume ($55)
I think there's more but I can't think of it now. I spent too much on Alex and Vicki but those are the only gifts I could think of and that's just how much they cost. I'm sure they'll appreciate it though.
Christmas shopping is over almost as soon as it began. I overspent the $500 mom gave me to spend on everyone. I think I'm about $50 over. I'll stop now. I really don't feel like I have enough for mom though. Very unfortunate. But I feel like I at least got everyone something.
I got mom: a back crucifix necklace ($60), a light up remote ($40) (and a joke jumbo remote for $10), an Ed Hardy hat ($129!), some Lucky jewelry ($30)
I got dad: several different sizes of wine glasses (red wine, white wine and champagne glasses), a good cork screw, and a wine glass holder that will hang upside down on his shelf thing in the kitchen (total only about $55!)
I got Alex: a Jawbone wireless headset for his cellphone ($100)
I got Grandma: Planet Earth coffee table book ($23)
I got Burt: a Cannabis Cookbook ($17)
I got Vicki: travel size Juicy perfume ($55)
I think there's more but I can't think of it now. I spent too much on Alex and Vicki but those are the only gifts I could think of and that's just how much they cost. I'm sure they'll appreciate it though.
Bored as shit.
Well, I'm alone again today. Jack is at work and mom is with her boyfriend and I'm at home with the dogs. I started playing Sim Cities Societies today and it was pretty cool, I felt like it didn't have any goals or anything to accomplish. Most people who've never played the Sims 2 would say the same thing about it, but it's completely not true. Playing Sims 2 you get the satisfaction of seeing your Sims grow up and get jobs and do all these wonderful things and then die. Playing Societies, you just make your town bigger and bigger and it's never over. I don't know if I like that. I think I will keep playing a little bit, but it crashed and I think it deleted a part of my city.
I really have no homework to do, no tests to take or anything. I do have laundry that needs to be done and the house needs some straightening. But those things are no fun. I usually clean everything up the 30 minutes before Jack gets off work. I like the house being clean for him when he gets here, but I don't mind it being dirty when it's just me in the house.
Something weird happened to me today... I was trying to throw up... and I couldn't! I tried and gagged and gagged and nothing came up, I had just eaten so I know there was stuff in there, but nothing would come up!! So aggravating! So, I just quite trying and moved on. I guess it just didn't want to be thrown up. Annoying.
Off to try and entertain myself for another 3.5 hours before Jack comes home. We're having Sloppy Joes for dinner - egh.
I really have no homework to do, no tests to take or anything. I do have laundry that needs to be done and the house needs some straightening. But those things are no fun. I usually clean everything up the 30 minutes before Jack gets off work. I like the house being clean for him when he gets here, but I don't mind it being dirty when it's just me in the house.
Something weird happened to me today... I was trying to throw up... and I couldn't! I tried and gagged and gagged and nothing came up, I had just eaten so I know there was stuff in there, but nothing would come up!! So aggravating! So, I just quite trying and moved on. I guess it just didn't want to be thrown up. Annoying.
Off to try and entertain myself for another 3.5 hours before Jack comes home. We're having Sloppy Joes for dinner - egh.
Saturday, December 1
And Dr. Jones comes around...
Well, you won't believe it. I had my 3rd SCI 3003 test on the Monday after Thanksgiving (remember me bitching about that?) and I felt really good about it afterwards. Well, Bonny, Mindy and I went to his office to get our tests before class so that we wouldn't be near heart-attack while he was passing them out and you won't believe it - I made a freaking 90!!!! As he was laying the scantrons on the desk looking for ours, all I saw was red X's, some people really failed bad, and I can't even believe that I freaking passed! Holy shit! I felt soooo good after that. Of course Bonnye had to one up me by getting a freaking 96. So my three grades are a 68, 57 and 90. That brings my average from a 62 to a 72! I am actually going to pass and deserve it. I'm not longer worried about him maybe bumping my grade up to pass or anything, I am no longer considering giving Dr. Jones a lap-dance. I am actually going to pass. Wow.
Well.... let's not get ahead of ourselves. There is still one more test to go. And doing the math quickly I have to get a 60 to still be passing on my own... hum... interesting. I really do feel like that test was easier. I felt like hadn't studied any differently or longer or anything, I just think that test was more on my level. Maybe Dr. Jones will be happy with the higher grades and make the next test like that too. There really isn't too much left to cover because we only have 2 class periods left to cover it but ya never know. I just need to study really hard for this next test and hope like hell I do good. Surely he'll pass me - haha, see I'm back to hoping again. Ah, college is a bitch.
Well.... let's not get ahead of ourselves. There is still one more test to go. And doing the math quickly I have to get a 60 to still be passing on my own... hum... interesting. I really do feel like that test was easier. I felt like hadn't studied any differently or longer or anything, I just think that test was more on my level. Maybe Dr. Jones will be happy with the higher grades and make the next test like that too. There really isn't too much left to cover because we only have 2 class periods left to cover it but ya never know. I just need to study really hard for this next test and hope like hell I do good. Surely he'll pass me - haha, see I'm back to hoping again. Ah, college is a bitch.
What i've been into lately:

This freaking movie. I saw it in theaters several months ago and loved it. Well, it came out on DVD the 27th (which I've had on my calender forever) and I acquired it. It's been out about 5 days and I've probably watched it 12 times. I love it. Jack love's it too...
Do you see my count-down on the side of my page? --------------->
Well, it's getting closer and closer to D-day, the last day of classes.. I've actually finished with all major projects and it's too soon to start studying for finals, so I've really been quite bored, thus the Waitress movie.
I made a observation about my favorite movies (aside from Harry Potter). They usually include an abusive husband, and unhappily pregnant women who eventually either leaves or gets left my her husband... and then is extremely happy after the baby is born. This is odd, and I pointed it out to Jack but he didn't appreciate it like I did. The movies I am now speaking of is Where the Heart Is and The Waitress. Very interesting.
I'm about to head off to my 3rd Teaching Elementary Mathematics test. Only the final left to go and it's next Saturday! I studied yesterday and this morning and it really shouldn't be difficult. I implemented my sure-fire way of passing too... I won't mention that here for fear of too much shame.
I'm meeting Grandma and Mom afterwards for lunch and possibly a movie, I hope we go back to Celebrity, I'm having withdraws because it's been at least 2 weeks since we've been there.
I keep obsessing about my schedule for next semester, not nearly as bad as before registration, but still bad. Jack thinks I'm going to be really happy once classes are over on the 13th, but honestly I think I'm going to be reallllly bored and have NOTHING to do. I am taking one class this wintermester, but I can finish one online class in less than a week, honestly. I tried playing the Sims yesterday, but I really do think that phase of my life is over, it was very boring and I just couldn't get into it. I downloaded the new SimCities game, that at least is a little more adult... but it probably won't last either. I feel like I need a hobby during my break - The Sims has always been my hobby during these desperate times, but now I need something more. I'm thinking I will probably like the Mario Galaxy game I'm giving Jack for his birthday on Tuesday. Maybe that will work for me. I really should be spending some of that time in the gym, working on not getting any fatter - but ya win some ya lose some.
Tuesday, November 27
Ahhh... breathe...
Well, registration is over, thank god. I did exactly as planned - got to school about 7am, in the building and up to the MecaLab by 710, encountered first problem - MecaLab doesn't open until 730, waited, got in at 730 and got a seat. I continued to check my shopping cart and everything was still great. Registration started at 8 so by 7:56 I was constantly clicking 'Submit' on all my classes, well it finally accepts some of them about 8:03 but I had this damn ART class that conflicted with my other classes. My biggest concern was this Music class because there were only 2 spots left and both Bonnye and I wanted one. On the first click of trying to get ART out of the way so I could enroll in other classes, I saw MU drop to one spot left, and on the second click, it was gone. That fast. Bonnye didn't get in either.
In the end my schedules not too bad. I managed to get into 7 classes at TWU and have already signed up for 1 through RICH. I emailed the teacher of the MU class and he seemed really nice. I asked if he was planning on accepting Waitlisted students and he said that if all 3 of his classes filled up he might. Well, 2 are completely full but 1 still have 20 spots left to go. So, prob not. He did say that he was offering it in the Summer, which is good, but I have the slot open this semester, so I would rather take it now rather than sitting in the library doing nothing. Oh well.
Schedule starting Jan. 14th is as follows:
Monday: 8-11 (READ 3473) / 1-220 (EDUC 3003) / 230-350 (CSCI 3002)
Tuesday: 11-1220 (EDSP 4203) / at Richland READ 4463 (4-650)
Wednesday: 1-220 (EDUC 3003) / 230-350 (CSCI 3002)
Thursday: 11-1220 (EDSP 4203)
Online: HIST 2332 (at Rich), ART 3032 and EDUC 3001
In case you care what these capital 4 digit words mean - the actual classes I'm enrolled in are:
READ 3473 - Oral Language and Early Literacy
READ 4463 - Reading Assessment and Instruction
ART 3032 - Essentials of Children's Art
EDSP 4203 - Learners with Exceptionalities
CSCI 3002 - Advanced Computer Technology
EDUC 3003 - Learning Theory and Development
EDUC 3001 - Integrating Technology for Eff. Lrng.
Shitty things include: large break on Monday from 11-1, Tuesday altogether sucks ass, and driving 45 minutes each way just to go to one 1 hour and 20 minute class on Thursday.
Good things include: I am taking many classes that will help me have a small semester next semester (aka my last semester in class), I only have to wake up early one day (Monday) and I have Friday, Saturday, Sunday off! Can't beat that!
So, all in all, I'm pretty satisfied with my schedule. I would like to be enrolled in that MU class, but that means I'm in 9 freaking classes again and don't know if I really want that again. The READ's are pretty time intensive and I'm in 2 this upcomeing semester.
Trying to put pictures on all blog posts now. Here's another one from an application on the Mac called PhotoBooth. It's just a picture taker but you can apply neat things to the pics. This one is comic book. Pretty neat.
In the end my schedules not too bad. I managed to get into 7 classes at TWU and have already signed up for 1 through RICH. I emailed the teacher of the MU class and he seemed really nice. I asked if he was planning on accepting Waitlisted students and he said that if all 3 of his classes filled up he might. Well, 2 are completely full but 1 still have 20 spots left to go. So, prob not. He did say that he was offering it in the Summer, which is good, but I have the slot open this semester, so I would rather take it now rather than sitting in the library doing nothing. Oh well.
Schedule starting Jan. 14th is as follows:
Monday: 8-11 (READ 3473) / 1-220 (EDUC 3003) / 230-350 (CSCI 3002)
Tuesday: 11-1220 (EDSP 4203) / at Richland READ 4463 (4-650)
Wednesday: 1-220 (EDUC 3003) / 230-350 (CSCI 3002)
Thursday: 11-1220 (EDSP 4203)
Online: HIST 2332 (at Rich), ART 3032 and EDUC 3001
In case you care what these capital 4 digit words mean - the actual classes I'm enrolled in are:
READ 3473 - Oral Language and Early Literacy
READ 4463 - Reading Assessment and Instruction
ART 3032 - Essentials of Children's Art
EDSP 4203 - Learners with Exceptionalities
CSCI 3002 - Advanced Computer Technology
EDUC 3003 - Learning Theory and Development
EDUC 3001 - Integrating Technology for Eff. Lrng.
Shitty things include: large break on Monday from 11-1, Tuesday altogether sucks ass, and driving 45 minutes each way just to go to one 1 hour and 20 minute class on Thursday.
Good things include: I am taking many classes that will help me have a small semester next semester (aka my last semester in class), I only have to wake up early one day (Monday) and I have Friday, Saturday, Sunday off! Can't beat that!
So, all in all, I'm pretty satisfied with my schedule. I would like to be enrolled in that MU class, but that means I'm in 9 freaking classes again and don't know if I really want that again. The READ's are pretty time intensive and I'm in 2 this upcomeing semester.
Trying to put pictures on all blog posts now. Here's another one from an application on the Mac called PhotoBooth. It's just a picture taker but you can apply neat things to the pics. This one is comic book. Pretty neat.

Sunday, November 25
Lazy Day
Today there isn't much going on. I'm home by myself catching up on previous Nip/Tuck episodes and watching Harry Potter and also... most importantly, studying for my SCI 3003 test tomorrow. I feel like such a slacker not studying for it over the Thanksgiving break but I'm sure Dr. Jones knew this was going to happen, it was so ignorant to choose to do it after the break. We could of just taken the test and forgotten about it, but nooooo. Whatever. I'm studying now.
Tonight I am meeting Jack at Willow Bend when he gets out of work and we are going to have dinner with Howie and his momma for her birthday at Red, Hot and Blue. If they weren't going to a delicious restaurant than we wouldn't both going, but ya know we love meat and BBQ sauce.
Tomorrow is sophomore registration day. My plan is to leave the house at 615, but at school at 7am and in a seat in the Meca lab by 710. If everything appears to be good then I will continue studying for Science, but if my schedule gets full, then I will spend the time planning a new schedule. I have to remember to take my 'Folder of Wealth and Knowledge' (folder that contains all important documents regarding degree plan). I'll write tomorrow and let you know how everything went as far as registering and testing. Jack is off for the next 2 days, so I think we're going to go shopping for families Christmas presents. (Mom kindly gave me $500 to shop for other people with because she knows how much I love to buy people presents and how little money I have to do that with, I thought it was very very nice of her - even though her alterer motives were that most of the money will go towards her Christmas gifts).
Till then I will continue studying my Science notebook and obsessively checking my Registration shopping cart...
Tonight I am meeting Jack at Willow Bend when he gets out of work and we are going to have dinner with Howie and his momma for her birthday at Red, Hot and Blue. If they weren't going to a delicious restaurant than we wouldn't both going, but ya know we love meat and BBQ sauce.
Tomorrow is sophomore registration day. My plan is to leave the house at 615, but at school at 7am and in a seat in the Meca lab by 710. If everything appears to be good then I will continue studying for Science, but if my schedule gets full, then I will spend the time planning a new schedule. I have to remember to take my 'Folder of Wealth and Knowledge' (folder that contains all important documents regarding degree plan). I'll write tomorrow and let you know how everything went as far as registering and testing. Jack is off for the next 2 days, so I think we're going to go shopping for families Christmas presents. (Mom kindly gave me $500 to shop for other people with because she knows how much I love to buy people presents and how little money I have to do that with, I thought it was very very nice of her - even though her alterer motives were that most of the money will go towards her Christmas gifts).
Till then I will continue studying my Science notebook and obsessively checking my Registration shopping cart...
Saturday, November 24
Thanksgiving Lunch
Thanksgiving actually went really well, mom and dad spoke to each other with arguing or being awkward. We stayed till about 330 (eating lunch at 1) and then went on our way. Everything was really good, Grandma made turkey and stuffing, mom made sweet potatoes, fruit salad, cranberries and green bean casserole, and dad and I made mashed potatoes. Mom and I both brought dessert. I actually hand made Apple Crunch Crumble Pie. It was so good and I felt like such a good housewife being able to make something from scratch. Well... not all scratch. The top lattice crust is actually puff pastry, but I did slice it and place it myself. Jack cut all the apples for me, which was very very sweet. Everything came out really well it was just a little bit sour, because of the apples... but I didn't know how to fix it. Here's a delicious picture:

I went to Thanksgiving with my henna'd hand and everyone seemed okay with it. Dad and Grandma were a little strange but it's just temporary. Speaking of tattoo, mom decided to get her henna permanently tattooed on and Alex is actually getting his first tattoo tonight, just 8 days after becoming 18. I at least waited 5 months.
I went to Thanksgiving with my henna'd hand and everyone seemed okay with it. Dad and Grandma were a little strange but it's just temporary. Speaking of tattoo, mom decided to get her henna permanently tattooed on and Alex is actually getting his first tattoo tonight, just 8 days after becoming 18. I at least waited 5 months.
Henna Tattoo
So here are the pictures of my bandaged hand after I got henna'd. Here are the after affects:
It's pretty cool, but unfortunately it takes a really cool person to pull it off. I really don't think I'm that person. Lots of people look at it crazily, few actually say something about it but the ones that do, seem to like it. I'm still iffy, but I read up about removing said Henna - and it's basically not an option. To remove the henna is to remove the first dozen layers of skin... so I'll keep it.
Wednesday, November 21
Another boring day
Not much to say today. I stayed home most of the day while mom and Alex spent some quality time together, doing Geography quizzes, tests and my literature unit book assignment. I actually got a lot done and am very proud of myself. One more good day of solid school work should pretty well get through my Thanksgiving break to do list.
After testing myself until I was stupid earlier I decided to get out of the house and go to the henna tattoo place with mom. I didn't realize this was someone's actual home, but whatever. Mom got a really cool vine/leaf pattern covering her scar and then talked me into getting one too. I chose a very traditional bridal design on my right hand that goes up a little past my wrist. For optimal results you must leave it bandaged for about 12+ hours and then scrape the clay off and try to get as little moisture as possible on it. Since I decided not to shower today, I MUST shower tomorrow - which now means that, for optimal results, I need to have Jack shower me with my right hand hanging out of the shower... interesting. He said that'd he would do it though. I took some pictures of my now bandaged right hand and I'm really excited about seeing the results, hopefully optimal. I'm sure I will regret this on MOnday when I have to go back to my conservative school, but at the time I was thinking about I didn't have any more practicums, I have 6 days off school (even though this should last 21 days) and that it didn't matter what the school thought. I just hope I like it. I'll post final pictures later.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! Good Food! Yay! My plan is to get up about 9am and thaw the pie dough, slice the apples and try and make everything without needing to wash my hands...
After testing myself until I was stupid earlier I decided to get out of the house and go to the henna tattoo place with mom. I didn't realize this was someone's actual home, but whatever. Mom got a really cool vine/leaf pattern covering her scar and then talked me into getting one too. I chose a very traditional bridal design on my right hand that goes up a little past my wrist. For optimal results you must leave it bandaged for about 12+ hours and then scrape the clay off and try to get as little moisture as possible on it. Since I decided not to shower today, I MUST shower tomorrow - which now means that, for optimal results, I need to have Jack shower me with my right hand hanging out of the shower... interesting. He said that'd he would do it though. I took some pictures of my now bandaged right hand and I'm really excited about seeing the results, hopefully optimal. I'm sure I will regret this on MOnday when I have to go back to my conservative school, but at the time I was thinking about I didn't have any more practicums, I have 6 days off school (even though this should last 21 days) and that it didn't matter what the school thought. I just hope I like it. I'll post final pictures later.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! Good Food! Yay! My plan is to get up about 9am and thaw the pie dough, slice the apples and try and make everything without needing to wash my hands...
Tuesday, November 20
Thanksgiving Vacation
Well, today is day #1 of my 6 days off of school. I usually try to post everyday but I have really had nothing to say. Yesterday, Monday, I went to school till 1230, went to the dermo at 2 (Jack came with) and then had lunch at Chipotle about 330. And... I'm pretty sure that's it.
Today we got up and chilled around the house and then had lunch at Mi Cocina with Mom, Grandma and Alex. I have also been working on my Library Materials Literature Unit. A literature unit is a "theme" basically for a teacher's lesson plan. My unit is over the Solar System and I have to pick a grade level, I chose 2nd grade, and find books that go with my unit. They all have to be based on the Solar System and I need to find a variety that could be read before/during Math lesson, Social Studies lesson, Science lesson and Literature lesson. Very cool and very useful. The students are supposed to enjoy a single theme for the week and be better able to relate different subjects to one overall idea, such as the Solar System. Here are a few pictures of the painting process...

I am in love with my little moon. Alex said "Damn, that is the moon." I know. The pictures really don't do the Earth or moon much justice. It is by far my best arts and crafts project ever. Here are more of the final project: close up of the perfection that is my silver spray paint sprayed on via old toothbrush for that perfect uneven spray, and of the title...

And here is the actual final project... (well, minus the list of books included in my literature unit)

Cool, huh? I try to post everyday, but sometimes I really don't have anything to say - at all! We'll see if I do anything tomorrow worth writing about.
Today we got up and chilled around the house and then had lunch at Mi Cocina with Mom, Grandma and Alex. I have also been working on my Library Materials Literature Unit. A literature unit is a "theme" basically for a teacher's lesson plan. My unit is over the Solar System and I have to pick a grade level, I chose 2nd grade, and find books that go with my unit. They all have to be based on the Solar System and I need to find a variety that could be read before/during Math lesson, Social Studies lesson, Science lesson and Literature lesson. Very cool and very useful. The students are supposed to enjoy a single theme for the week and be better able to relate different subjects to one overall idea, such as the Solar System. Here are a few pictures of the painting process...
I am in love with my little moon. Alex said "Damn, that is the moon." I know. The pictures really don't do the Earth or moon much justice. It is by far my best arts and crafts project ever. Here are more of the final project: close up of the perfection that is my silver spray paint sprayed on via old toothbrush for that perfect uneven spray, and of the title...
And here is the actual final project... (well, minus the list of books included in my literature unit)
Cool, huh? I try to post everyday, but sometimes I really don't have anything to say - at all! We'll see if I do anything tomorrow worth writing about.
Sunday, November 18
Alex's Birthday "Party"
Well, last night was ... interesting. Before heading to GatSplat I called dad to make sure he knew the directions. I informed him that mom and Alex made a reservation at PF Changs for 730 and he went berserk. Apparently, he thought we were going to go to dinner about 530 instead of 730 so he planned a date for 730. He was really angry because no one informed him that we'd be eating that late and yada yada. I wasn't nice at all about it because it wasn't but 2 weeks ago that him and I had this conversation about mom being a selfish bitch and complaining that Al's bday was on a Saturday, Saturday = date night. He was actually sitting on the phone contemplating what he was going to do... go to Alex's birthday dinner or go to his date. I said "Dad, your not actually thinking about this are you?!" I was so pissed that he could be that selfish! He apparently called his date and told her he wouldn't be able to meet her until later. At paintball he kept checking the time and being really pushing about leaving early to go to dinner. At one point I said "Dad! It's Alex's fucking birthday!" I informed him that everyone had other plans, things they'd rather be doing but it was Alex's birthday, he wanted to eat that late so that he could have plenty of time to play paintball. He wasn't the only one not wanting to be here, he was just the only one bitching about it like a selfish asshole! We left early because we didn't realize how disgusting you get with paintball grease all over you. I was disgusting so we went to mom's apartment (this was dad's first time there and he made zero comments about it, which Grandma and I thought was rude) to clean up a little bit. Then - the best part - we went to dinner, got there about 730, seated about 740, ordered food, it came about 8, dad left at 815. He just said "Well, I'm leaving." I thought it was so fucking rude and if he brings it up today I will let him know it. And I hope he does bring it up.
Overall, paintball was really fun. We all had a great time and loved seeing Alex be the best at yet another sport. He has a cult following of little boys up there that just love everything about him. It's really cute. I got to see the "hot russian chick" and I have to say I was a little disappointed. She was really good at paintball though. I did get hit several times but I actually got out of there without any bruises. Several shots on the hand, one ball exploded on my neck (actually didn't hurt as bad as you'd think), one square in the face (thankfully I was wearing a mask), quite a few on my arms and the most painful was on my thighs. Yet, no bruises. I had my personal proudest moment there too - it was just me and another guy, last ones out, and we were hiding behind blow up things on opposite ends of the "rink" and we both kept standing up and shooting at each other then ducking down. It went on for a long time and on my last shot, with my last paintball, I shot him. It was beautiful. And everyone cheered! It was awesome! Here are some pics. First one is mom in her mask standing on the side lines and then Alex playing on the professional team being a pro with those stances.
Today is the Gee Family Thanksgiving. I keep saying "thanksgiving at grandma's" but... grandma died last year and I don't why I can't grasp that enough to not say it every damn time it comes up.

Overall, paintball was really fun. We all had a great time and loved seeing Alex be the best at yet another sport. He has a cult following of little boys up there that just love everything about him. It's really cute. I got to see the "hot russian chick" and I have to say I was a little disappointed. She was really good at paintball though. I did get hit several times but I actually got out of there without any bruises. Several shots on the hand, one ball exploded on my neck (actually didn't hurt as bad as you'd think), one square in the face (thankfully I was wearing a mask), quite a few on my arms and the most painful was on my thighs. Yet, no bruises. I had my personal proudest moment there too - it was just me and another guy, last ones out, and we were hiding behind blow up things on opposite ends of the "rink" and we both kept standing up and shooting at each other then ducking down. It went on for a long time and on my last shot, with my last paintball, I shot him. It was beautiful. And everyone cheered! It was awesome! Here are some pics. First one is mom in her mask standing on the side lines and then Alex playing on the professional team being a pro with those stances.
Today is the Gee Family Thanksgiving. I keep saying "thanksgiving at grandma's" but... grandma died last year and I don't why I can't grasp that enough to not say it every damn time it comes up.
Friday, November 16
What I did today...
Today was pretty productive and has gone by pretty fast. I went to Hobby Lobby (I had forgotten how expensive their stuff is) two separate times today and I also went to WM and the library. I got all the supplies necessary to build my 3D model of the Earth and Moon and I also got a really cool piece of paper for the cover of my end of year portfolio.

Not a great photo, but it shows the necessary stuff. I bought that paisley black and white paper at HL and then printed dark red vertical PORTFOLIO but the red looked really bad because you could see through it. So I reprinted it in black, it looked better but the bottom part should say 'Early Elementary Education Samantha Gee', but printing it twice made it extremely blurry. I think I'll leave it because my name is on the inside plenty. I just have a weakness for paisley. I should of put my name closer to the bottom... oh well.

I love this picture of Lola. I never get good pictures of Lola because she's not as still (or pretty) as London. This picture shows her overbite, she definitely needs braces, poor puppy. For some reason that corner of her teeth ALWAYS sticks out, no matter what... strange, but she's still my baby Lolita.
Not a great photo, but it shows the necessary stuff. I bought that paisley black and white paper at HL and then printed dark red vertical PORTFOLIO but the red looked really bad because you could see through it. So I reprinted it in black, it looked better but the bottom part should say 'Early Elementary Education Samantha Gee', but printing it twice made it extremely blurry. I think I'll leave it because my name is on the inside plenty. I just have a weakness for paisley. I should of put my name closer to the bottom... oh well.
I love this picture of Lola. I never get good pictures of Lola because she's not as still (or pretty) as London. This picture shows her overbite, she definitely needs braces, poor puppy. For some reason that corner of her teeth ALWAYS sticks out, no matter what... strange, but she's still my baby Lolita.
To Do
Kind of a strange self-portrait but one of the only ones I've taken since getting my new camera.
To Do Today:
Return Books to Library
Get new books for Presentations
Go to Wal-Mart
Get Alex's gift for bday party tomorrow
Go to Hobby Lobby and get supplies for Literature Unit project
Make Alex's card? Print pictures at WM?
To Do During Thanksgiving Break:
Finish GEOG tests/quizzes
Complete book logs/presentations
Make MATH/READ portfolio
Last L/S
READ essay and final reflection
LS Literature Unit Project
Study for SCI and MATH tests
Determine registration ...
Long night
So last night wasn't bad - when I met Jacky in the parking lot to head to Fireside Pies, I was bitchy to him. I informed him that taking my car to the car wash was now on his list of husbandly duties. I was being bitchy and annoying and he was asking me what's wrong and I told him that I didn't always have to tell him everything that was wrong with me, people are allowed to be upset sometimes. Then he informs me that again it is part of his husbandly duties to figure out what's wrong and try and make it better. I thought that was sweet, those husbandly duties are starting to pile up I think.
We met Vicki and Kyle (can't ever remember his freaking name) at Fireside Pies. It was delicious, but I ate wayyy too much, and then Vicki ordered dessert! Geez. It was very good though, one of the better places they've taken us in quite a while. The point of this meeting on our side of the world (they live about an hour away) so for Jack to look at their Mac and try and get things straightened out. He did of course but I was forced to sit and make small talk with Vicki while he dealt with Kyle and the computer. The strangest thing happened! All of the sudden I felt a major onslaught of diarrhea! It was intense and the only thing I could do was go to the bathroom! I felt bad because Vicki had to use the bathroom before they left and despite the facts that I flushed many times and left the window open to try and get a breeze going, I'm sure it still smelled. Oh well, it is my house, right?
Then Jacky and I stayed up for an hour or so just talking about Science, genetics, plagues and useless body parts. It was very interesting. Once we got in bed he told me that I had a hidden "smart" side that I've been keeping from everybody. On one hand that's true - I don't like to put in my comments too often because being genius's like Jack and Howie are, they always have a retort that makes my comment feel small (does that make any sense?). But on the other hand he is wrong, but I haven't always known this information and hid it from him, I am just now learning about it in SCI 3003 class and then researching it more because I find it incredibly interesting. I'm kinda weird like that.
Today is Alex's 18th birthday! I am very happy for him. It is Jack's duty today to get Alex in the referral program at Apple and then ask Casey (the boss) when the next hiring is going to be done. Hopefully it's soon because we are all really counting on Alex getting a job there. He could make a career out of it like Jack has. And they'll get to see each other more often and have lunch together. I think it will be great! So... we'll see. Tomorrow is the big paintball party and dinner, I think it's at PF Changs. Sounds great to me! I sent him a text saying Happy Birthday. I think I'll hand make a card and I need to get out to Obscurities or just Hot Topic and buy him some earrings for his bday gift. That's what he said he wanted.
We met Vicki and Kyle (can't ever remember his freaking name) at Fireside Pies. It was delicious, but I ate wayyy too much, and then Vicki ordered dessert! Geez. It was very good though, one of the better places they've taken us in quite a while. The point of this meeting on our side of the world (they live about an hour away) so for Jack to look at their Mac and try and get things straightened out. He did of course but I was forced to sit and make small talk with Vicki while he dealt with Kyle and the computer. The strangest thing happened! All of the sudden I felt a major onslaught of diarrhea! It was intense and the only thing I could do was go to the bathroom! I felt bad because Vicki had to use the bathroom before they left and despite the facts that I flushed many times and left the window open to try and get a breeze going, I'm sure it still smelled. Oh well, it is my house, right?
Then Jacky and I stayed up for an hour or so just talking about Science, genetics, plagues and useless body parts. It was very interesting. Once we got in bed he told me that I had a hidden "smart" side that I've been keeping from everybody. On one hand that's true - I don't like to put in my comments too often because being genius's like Jack and Howie are, they always have a retort that makes my comment feel small (does that make any sense?). But on the other hand he is wrong, but I haven't always known this information and hid it from him, I am just now learning about it in SCI 3003 class and then researching it more because I find it incredibly interesting. I'm kinda weird like that.
Today is Alex's 18th birthday! I am very happy for him. It is Jack's duty today to get Alex in the referral program at Apple and then ask Casey (the boss) when the next hiring is going to be done. Hopefully it's soon because we are all really counting on Alex getting a job there. He could make a career out of it like Jack has. And they'll get to see each other more often and have lunch together. I think it will be great! So... we'll see. Tomorrow is the big paintball party and dinner, I think it's at PF Changs. Sounds great to me! I sent him a text saying Happy Birthday. I think I'll hand make a card and I need to get out to Obscurities or just Hot Topic and buy him some earrings for his bday gift. That's what he said he wanted.
Thursday, November 15
Strange mood-swing...
I am so angry all of the sudden. I just got home from sitting at the car wash for the past hour, which annoyed me. I'm never going back to a car wash again, Jack needs to be the husband in this situation and take it for me. I hate them, I never can understand what they tell me to do, and I never have gotten the 'put your car in neutral and take your foot off the brake' thing - it's just not natural. And now I find out that skipping Library Materials on Wednesday was a very bad idea. I knew we'd be turning in out Historical Fiction book presentation, which isn't a big deal, but I didn't think that she'd be explaining our HUGE projects that are due in December. I completely forgot about that and now I'm fucking lost. I completely missed the most important day of the entire fucking semester... great. I just emailed her, but I wouldn't blame her if she just said "Figure it out yourself... you should of come to class." What could I say? I think it will be pretty easy to figure out and there are at least 2 more class days before it's due.
Did I even tell you about the Junior/Sophomore registration fiasco?! I had a tragedy on Monday that is so bad and irritating that I don't even think I'm going to mention it. I'll just say that I won't be registering on Friday with the Juniors, instead I have to wait until fucking November fucking 26th and register with the god damn sophomores. I'll get classes, but they'll be scattered all over the fucking place...
And fucking Six Feet Under season 4 won't fucking download - god damnit!
Did I even tell you about the Junior/Sophomore registration fiasco?! I had a tragedy on Monday that is so bad and irritating that I don't even think I'm going to mention it. I'll just say that I won't be registering on Friday with the Juniors, instead I have to wait until fucking November fucking 26th and register with the god damn sophomores. I'll get classes, but they'll be scattered all over the fucking place...
And fucking Six Feet Under season 4 won't fucking download - god damnit!
Tuesday, November 13
Outdoor Pictures
So I finally got some time to play around with my camera and I really love it. I think I have an eye for seeing cool things to take pictures of I just need some practice getting things to look right. I'm really trying to take pictures holding the camera rather than on a tripod. If taking a still picture is just too hard I may have to use one, but I would really rather not.

I really like how this one turned out. I had the camera on "Close Up" mode and I really like how it blurs out the background but keeps the subject sharp. I thinks its focused on the water rather than the leaf, but I still really like it. Not bad for a first attempt.

I really like this one too. I am standing at the base of a big tree and shooting straight up. I didn't really catch it in the picture, but the sun was shining really cool through the leaves. Immediately after this I walked over to the edge of the pond and a red turtle was sitting on the drain, I started to move closer to get a picture and he dove in the water. Too bad. Maybe he'll be back out later.

Here's a picture of London and Lola. I really liked this because Lola's head is kind of cut off and I thought that made it interesting. I took lots of the dogs laying in the sun this morning and I experimented with 'Aperture' mode. I like this mode too but I can't really tell the difference between this and normal mode.
Anyways - pastas boiling... more pictures to come.
I really like how this one turned out. I had the camera on "Close Up" mode and I really like how it blurs out the background but keeps the subject sharp. I thinks its focused on the water rather than the leaf, but I still really like it. Not bad for a first attempt.
I really like this one too. I am standing at the base of a big tree and shooting straight up. I didn't really catch it in the picture, but the sun was shining really cool through the leaves. Immediately after this I walked over to the edge of the pond and a red turtle was sitting on the drain, I started to move closer to get a picture and he dove in the water. Too bad. Maybe he'll be back out later.
Here's a picture of London and Lola. I really liked this because Lola's head is kind of cut off and I thought that made it interesting. I took lots of the dogs laying in the sun this morning and I experimented with 'Aperture' mode. I like this mode too but I can't really tell the difference between this and normal mode.
Anyways - pastas boiling... more pictures to come.
Monday, November 12
Up way past my bedtime...
Well, today Jacky bought me the Nikon camera I have wanted forever. It's amazing, intimidating and very rockstar cool. I'll post my first rockstar pictures of the dogs and of Alex's 10pm hockey game. I'm home now after exotic dance class and his hockey game and I'm a little wired... Jack is already asleep, which I'm pretty sure has never happened before. I really do not remember a time that I stayed up later than he did. He was very tired this evening and didn't feel like coming to the game with me.
As for now - I'm going to make some hot tea and go to bed (possibly with a granola bar) and I'll write more tomorrow. I for sure want to post more pictures since I have the new badass camera.
It's been about 8 hours since the purchase and I regret it a little. We didn't have that kind of money to spend in the first place, and even though he pinky promised, I could tell that Jack was unsure about it too. I think we will both get a lot of use out of it.. and blah blah more excuses why I argued that we should buy it. I hope I don't bite myself in the ass later when it is sitting in the closet collecting dust... I do have 14 days to return it (with an $80 restocking fee). I really do love it dearly though.
As for now - I'm going to make some hot tea and go to bed (possibly with a granola bar) and I'll write more tomorrow. I for sure want to post more pictures since I have the new badass camera.
It's been about 8 hours since the purchase and I regret it a little. We didn't have that kind of money to spend in the first place, and even though he pinky promised, I could tell that Jack was unsure about it too. I think we will both get a lot of use out of it.. and blah blah more excuses why I argued that we should buy it. I hope I don't bite myself in the ass later when it is sitting in the closet collecting dust... I do have 14 days to return it (with an $80 restocking fee). I really do love it dearly though.
Sunday, November 11
Living vicariously though a blog...
So... I mentioned this blog that I've been reading lately and I think I've become slightly obsessed. Maybe that's not the right word for it. The blog is written by a woman whose 27 (I think) and has the most adorable life. She's beautiful, has a perfect loving husband and an absolutely adorable 3 year old daughter. Her blog is about the things she did that day, her huge family, and all the arts and crafts that her and her daughter do. She has an SLR camera and takes amazing photos of her daughter in perfect angles with perfect light. I have read nearly all of her 300+ posts over the last week and she lives the life I always pictured I would have but I guess I'm not pretty enough to be her, I'm not old enough to have the children she has and the life experiences that have made her her and I'm not humble enough to live the perfect life she lives. I love reading her blog and living vicariously though it. She's amazing and a wonderful mother and wife. She had a second baby just as beautiful as the first and will probably have more in the future. It's weird how much I think about them, I find myself thinking during the day about what they are doing and checking her blog frequently for news of it.
I feel very strange about this... like I'm a stalker or something. I wish I were as creative as her, she makes some amazing things and gives them away occasionally on her blog, just for posting a comment. I think I might keep an eye out for one of these giveaways and try and win something. The the perfect picture of a housewife (she even wears an apron!).
I really think this is the last time I will ever bring this up.
I feel very strange about this... like I'm a stalker or something. I wish I were as creative as her, she makes some amazing things and gives them away occasionally on her blog, just for posting a comment. I think I might keep an eye out for one of these giveaways and try and win something. The the perfect picture of a housewife (she even wears an apron!).
I really think this is the last time I will ever bring this up.
Saturday, November 10
SLR "Rockstar Photographer" Camera

So... I've wanted one of these cameras for a very long time. When I worked at Inspirations Nick bought one for the hell of it and I would take it home most weekends and play with it. I felt like such a rock star photographer. And I've been reading this blog about this perfect little family and the mother/wife takes fucking fantastic pictures with her SLR camera and I REALLY want one now. I wanted one when Jack and I started taking about both of us getting iPhones (they came out on June 29th but I bet we were already talking about it last Christmas) and since the iPhone and the camera are both $500-$600 each I decided just the iPhone. Well, now I want the camera again. I guess I could ask for it for Christmas... but that would be all of my christmas and there's other stuff I need/want... like groceries. I guess I really don't have a need for one of these until... IDK wedding or honeymoon or pregnant. I mean what else am I going to take pictures of... me and Jack and the dogs? Yea I guess I could and then I could make a kick ass scrapbook. That would be nice. But we really don't have the money to buy the camera and we especially don't have extra money lying around for me to buy scrap-booking supplies. Maybe I should try and find a used one of these on Craigs List or something... that would be cool. Anyways... today is Saturday, I don't have to be at class until 10am this morning because we are just working on our group projects today, which is fine, but it better not take more than like 2 hours, tops.
On a side note - it's Saturday, I took my last birth control pill on Sunday and I usually start bleeding on Thursday, but I haven't as of this morning. I take the first pill of the new cycle tomorrow... I've never actually skipped an entire period... interesting.
Wednesday, November 7
Tuesday, November 6
"Post page element"
Does anyone else have problems every time you try to post page element? It's worked for me a total of like twice, and you see the 2 ones I managed to post... the skull pic and the counter worked after much effort... but nothing else has worked. Laaame.
Registration is fucked up
Registration is so fucking lame. It seems that schools try to make taking more than 1 class at a time difficult. The degree plan is set up so that you must take this class before these 5 classes and you can't take these 6 classes until you've been accepted to the Teaching Program but you have to complete an entire list long of requirements before applying to the Teaching Program. I've only made it more difficult on myself by taking classes from 2 different schools and transferring credits back and forth; which confuses the advisors just as much as me. At the present time I am fucking stressed out about registering on the 16th for Spring 2008 classes because here's the problem: I have to be accepted to the TP to register for EDUC 3003 and 3001, but before being accepted I need to take EDUC 2003. I am taking 2003 this winter at Richland but it won't be completed and on my transcript until almost the time Spring starts... do you see the prob here? It needs to be completed AND on my transcript to register for the other 2 classes NEXT WEEK. I'm not totally for sure that it won't let me register, but my advisor just informed me that I will be dropped at the very beginning of the semester if it's not on my transcript. Jesus christ this couldn't be more difficult. And to make matters worse - TWU registration is on the 16th but Richland registration isn't until the 20th... if I can't sign up for the classes that I want for winter I need to completely rearrange my schedule so that I am able to take those classes another time...
I have seriously put way too much thought into this. But it really looks like I'll have 16 hours (I know it doesn't sound like much but it's actually 7 classes) this semester, about 13-16 hours next semester (and anything that didn't fit in this semester) and then... it's STUDENT TEACHING and masters classes! Yay! I'll have 36 hours of Master's level classes to take after all this. Hopefully I can take 18 hours each semester and get it over with in 2 semesters. That is my plan for the next... 2 years. God I hope I survive.
I have seriously put way too much thought into this. But it really looks like I'll have 16 hours (I know it doesn't sound like much but it's actually 7 classes) this semester, about 13-16 hours next semester (and anything that didn't fit in this semester) and then... it's STUDENT TEACHING and masters classes! Yay! I'll have 36 hours of Master's level classes to take after all this. Hopefully I can take 18 hours each semester and get it over with in 2 semesters. That is my plan for the next... 2 years. God I hope I survive.
Sunday, November 4
Chillin with the meatloaf vapors...
Well, tonight I made that homemade meatloaf I've been craving. Unfortunately it was average at best, and I can feel what small amount I ate rising up my throat begging to be purged. Maybe it's because I'm sitting near the kitchen and the leftover's vapor is wafting near my nostrils, IDK, but I really think I'm going to vomit. I also made dessert - vanilla pudding, sliced strawberries, and angel food cake - also unfortunately average. And that was after I was bombarded by ants trying to beat me to the cake. Not a great turn out.
Howie is here, chillin. Which is... ya know. His birthday is on Friday and we're driving to bum-fucking-Egypt to eat as some shitty hole-in-the-wall Italian place. I was promptly reminded that it was not my birthday and I had no say in the dinner choice. Laaaame.
Tomorrow is back to school. That is fine, I'm ready for it because there's only 5 weeks left. Something cool about tomorrow is that Exotic dancing class starts again (not at school). I have taken the Core moves twice and next on the list after Chair, is Props. Chair should be fun but I really don't know what to expect. It's been about 2 months since the last Core moves so my ass and leg muscles are probably out of shape. I need a beverage... I seem to have this feeling quite often when Howie is over.
Howie is here, chillin. Which is... ya know. His birthday is on Friday and we're driving to bum-fucking-Egypt to eat as some shitty hole-in-the-wall Italian place. I was promptly reminded that it was not my birthday and I had no say in the dinner choice. Laaaame.
Tomorrow is back to school. That is fine, I'm ready for it because there's only 5 weeks left. Something cool about tomorrow is that Exotic dancing class starts again (not at school). I have taken the Core moves twice and next on the list after Chair, is Props. Chair should be fun but I really don't know what to expect. It's been about 2 months since the last Core moves so my ass and leg muscles are probably out of shape. I need a beverage... I seem to have this feeling quite often when Howie is over.
Thursday, November 1
Obligatory Halloween Photo

Well, I know it's custom to posts pictures of yourself dressed up for Halloween because there's not another night of the year that you actually get to wear lingerie out in public and blend completely in. Well, I didn't dress up, and if I did I wouldn't have gone out in public and I sure as hell wouldn't of taken an pictures. But, I did go over to my dad's house on Halloween and we roasted marshmallows... so here is a pretty cool picture of me... roasting a marshmallow, taken by my dad. Cool, huh?
I really can't believe that it's already November. It's crazy how the time flies. Next on the agenda is a couple of friends birthday that fall simultaneously within the next 2 weeks, then my brother's 18th birthday (I think we're all going paint balling), then Thanksgiving (all 4 of them), then Jack's birthday, then Finals and school ends, then Christmas and winter classes. Whew.
Tuesday, October 30
I have, slightly obsessively, stayed up with Britney Spear's tragic demise the last 2 years. I really thought her VMA performance was going to be her big comeback, and it kind of was... just not in proportion to her performances of 3 years ago. But I have to say... Blackout, the new album she just dropped blows me away. It is better than any of her old stuff and was reviewed better than Justin Timberlakes FutureSex. I mean Gimme More, Pieces of Me and Radar are awesome. I have been dancing around in my nurse hooker heels for half an hour. I acquired her CD as soon as I remembered it was released today. I mean, really, great stuff. If she would cut some shit out of her life, get back in shape (like I have any room to talk about her being out of shape) she really could comeback.
GO BRITNEY!! Pieces of Me rocks my fucking world.
I think Britney loves the shit people throw at her, and she's here to stay, shit and all. The ending of Gimme More, spoken by T.I. sums up Britney for me.
Bet you didn't see this one coming
The incredible Lygo
The lengendary Miss Britney Spears, haha
And the unstoppable Danja
Ha, you gonna have to remove me
Cause I ain't goin' no where
GO BRITNEY!! Pieces of Me rocks my fucking world.
I think Britney loves the shit people throw at her, and she's here to stay, shit and all. The ending of Gimme More, spoken by T.I. sums up Britney for me.
Bet you didn't see this one coming
The incredible Lygo
The lengendary Miss Britney Spears, haha
And the unstoppable Danja
Ha, you gonna have to remove me
Cause I ain't goin' no where
Monday, October 29
Final Exam #1
Holy shit, I just finished my forever long Child Development final. Yes, you heard me correctly. I realize that it isn't due until December 5th but... I'm dedicated like that. The feeling of accomplishment is overwhelming. Oop, that was fast, it's gone now...
Now what can I obsessively work on that isn't due for 6 weeks?
Now what can I obsessively work on that isn't due for 6 weeks?
Sunday, October 28
I'm not really sure what I'm doing. Well, physically I'm sitting at the desk doing my Child Development final... but I don't really know what I'm actually doing. I eat too much, care too little, spend too much time with my god forsaken family and take Jack for granted too often. I am definitely a confused individual. I feel like I should be doing more... obviously not more school, not more of what I'm already doing but I need to being doing something more productive... more meaningful. I think having kids would make me feel meaningful, I think being married might do that... I don't know but sitting day in and day out doing the exact same thing is driving me crazy, not to mention, giving me cellulite. I wish Jack was home but he'd probably just be sitting on the couch on his iphone while I sit at the desk doing homework completely ignoring each other. Ah, marital bliss.
I Love SouthPark!!

I found this website that lets you make your own SouthPark character.
I thought it was an interesting waste of time. Cute, huh?
Well... I keep posting this picture in a blog and then using the html address to upload my personal picture in my profile. But then I delete the post because I don't want this picture twice on my page... but my profile pic keeps deleting itself! So here it is, posted twice... once here and once in my profile. Oh well.
Friday, October 26
Very Productive
Well, I actually had a very productive day today. I managed to get most of my homework for next week done, plus some extra for the Geography class that doesn't start until Monday and I got to watch The Office epiosde that came on last night - hilarious as usual. I'm killing time before I head over to mom's house - I've been requested to sit and be with her while she gets ready for her date. Always fun for me. Hopefully she'll take me out to dinner afterwards... I need some reward for this. Fish sounds good... whats that fish place down the street called? Grill something. Anyways, that sounds good. Maybe I'll suggest it.
Well, Jack is probably in a crown of 1000 absolute Apple NERDS at the Leopard release tonight. I hope everything is going good. I always worry about him during these things, I always imagine someone going beserk and shooting the place up or something. Or some smart girl seeing my hot Apple loving fiance and trying something... grrr. I'm stupid. Anyways, I guess that's it for today. Tomorrow is my MATH test and I have to drive my grandma to the airport before class. I hope that works out.
Well, Jack is probably in a crown of 1000 absolute Apple NERDS at the Leopard release tonight. I hope everything is going good. I always worry about him during these things, I always imagine someone going beserk and shooting the place up or something. Or some smart girl seeing my hot Apple loving fiance and trying something... grrr. I'm stupid. Anyways, I guess that's it for today. Tomorrow is my MATH test and I have to drive my grandma to the airport before class. I hope that works out.
Pest Control
Well, today is friday... my day off from school. What do I do on my day off? Oh, you know... dishes, laundry, clean the house, go to the grocery store, go to the library for more Read Aloud/Guided Reading books and the mounds of homework due next week. Always very relaxing.
Homework that needs to be done today:
finish studying (and programing formulas into my graphic calculator) for the Math test on Saturday,
print Lesson Plano #6,
write Peer Coaching Observation,
make Lesson Plan #7 (get non-fiction/instructional book from library),
read Book Logs and make Book Presentation for LS 1303 (due Wednesday),
Discussion Board posts for CDEC (laaame)
I guess that's about it today. Jack is home now until about 1:45 (when he then goes to work), so I usually don't get much homework done while he's here because I'd rather be doing something with him. We are both sitting around the house right now waiting for the pest control people to get here. I'm expecting a call from my dad at any second becuase he's getting furniture delivered between 1030am-1230pm (right in the middle of normal working hours!) and unfortunatly has to work. Duh. So I volunteered to go over there and handle it. I'm so nice.
My replacement (that I hired and trained) from my last job just texted me and wants me to call her. Yea right. I texted back and said that I was at school but I could answer her emails if she sent one. Lie. Why do they continue to text/call/try to contact me? Leave me alone!
Homework that needs to be done today:
finish studying (and programing formulas into my graphic calculator) for the Math test on Saturday,
print Lesson Plano #6,
write Peer Coaching Observation,
make Lesson Plan #7 (get non-fiction/instructional book from library),
read Book Logs and make Book Presentation for LS 1303 (due Wednesday),
Discussion Board posts for CDEC (laaame)
I guess that's about it today. Jack is home now until about 1:45 (when he then goes to work), so I usually don't get much homework done while he's here because I'd rather be doing something with him. We are both sitting around the house right now waiting for the pest control people to get here. I'm expecting a call from my dad at any second becuase he's getting furniture delivered between 1030am-1230pm (right in the middle of normal working hours!) and unfortunatly has to work. Duh. So I volunteered to go over there and handle it. I'm so nice.
My replacement (that I hired and trained) from my last job just texted me and wants me to call her. Yea right. I texted back and said that I was at school but I could answer her emails if she sent one. Lie. Why do they continue to text/call/try to contact me? Leave me alone!
Thursday, October 25
Rant about Dr. Jones
School has been more difficult than I expected. I am not doing as good as I thought I would. And this is freaking me out. Why did I expect to be able to do it? I wasn't that great at community college classes, why did I think TWU would be better? Did I think it would be easier? Surely not. I guess I went into it thinking that I am a junior now, and the hard "core" classes are behind me... and that is true. Unfortunatly, the major specific classes are just as difficult. OK... I'm in 7 classes currently and the 8th one is starting on Friday... should I just drop that one before it even starts... I'm obviously struggling with 7... why take 8? Why is my SCI 3003 teacher, Dr. Jones, such an ASSHOLE?!?! Why are his tests so fucking hard? I have no idea and unfortuanatly I just have to "stick it out" as my advisor said. She did consult me by saying that once I've failed it twice... we can talk about alternatives. Fucking awesome. I look forward to that. On a brighter side note - I've heard more than one rumor about Dr. Jones being on probation becuase he's a shitty teacher with ridiculous tests and that he is "required" to pass more people. I can't believe that the dean would tell him to pass people that don't deserve it but... quien sabe. I do have a 62.5 average at the present time. I got a 68 on the first test and althought I studied more and harder and longer, I received a 57 on the second test. I plan on studying daily (althought I haven't quite started that yet) for the next test hoping I will do better. Dr. Jones did say that he looks for progression, better scores each test, rather than numbers when deciding pass or fail... but unfortunatly I haven't "progressed" yet. What to do? What to do? I can't fail... do you know how stupid that would be?!?! I fucking do nothing but school and I fail some dumb dickheads Science class?!? Ha!
Anyways, I'm freaking out about it... I hate this. I also can't believe that this one class taught by some random know-it-all asswipe is stressing me out this badly.
Also on a side note, when I informed my advisor about failing his class, she didn't mention droping it - she just said stick it out - maybe there is more than just a rumor about passing people who don't deserve it. What grade do you think I'd get if I gave him a lapdance? Or even a blowjob? We'll leave that for last resorts...
Anyways, I'm freaking out about it... I hate this. I also can't believe that this one class taught by some random know-it-all asswipe is stressing me out this badly.
Also on a side note, when I informed my advisor about failing his class, she didn't mention droping it - she just said stick it out - maybe there is more than just a rumor about passing people who don't deserve it. What grade do you think I'd get if I gave him a lapdance? Or even a blowjob? We'll leave that for last resorts...
The last 20 years...
The last 20 years of my life have been really good. I have been blessed (I hate the word blessed, like it was given to me by some greater being, but I seem to be at a loss for a better word because I do feel lucky to have these advantages) with many great things including a loving, caring family, adequate wealth, a boyfriend that kept my ass out of a lot of trouble at a young age, and now a perfect fiance. I had the ability at a young age to move out of my parents home and make a new life with my then boyfriend of 3 years. We moved in together, got lives, and grew up - quickly. I have had the best time of my life and I would not change a thing in a million years.
About 3 months ago, things became more hectic - I quit my job and went to school full time (+ an extra 10 hours), which has actually been more frustrating and difficult than I ever thought possible. Then, my parents got divorced. I know in a society of people whose divorce rate is 50%, this isn't much of a shock to anyone, except my parents were different (or so they seemed). I had never heard them argue, fight or raise their voices at eachother in 20 years. They were divorced just 1 month shy of their 25th Wedding Anniversary. This seems to of affected me more than my little brother or any of my extended family. Both of my parents have since moved on, bought new houses, and are dating other people.
At the preset time, I am a college student at Texas Women's University in Denton, TX. I am currently taking 24 credit hours and am closer to suicide than ever before. (not that I'm close to suicide now, just closer than ever before). I took on wayyy too big of a load, but I did this because I felt I needed to after quitting my job for the sole purpose of taking more hours and finishing my degree early. I just went a little too far. Unfortunatly, this has caused me ridiculous amounts of stress, pain, anger, frustration, and now, a growing case of bulimia
This blog is to help me get through the next 7 weeks of school, until the semester is over, I have my final grades and can move on... taking less classes of course. Hopefully writing will help me to focus on something besides the mounds of work needing to be done, the 62.5 average I have in SCI3003 or the 71 average I have in Math... hopefully.
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