Well, last night was ... interesting. Before heading to GatSplat I called dad to make sure he knew the directions. I informed him that mom and Alex made a reservation at PF Changs for 730 and he went berserk. Apparently, he thought we were going to go to dinner about 530 instead of 730 so he planned a date for 730. He was really angry because no one informed him that we'd be eating that late and yada yada. I wasn't nice at all about it because it wasn't but 2 weeks ago that him and I had this conversation about mom being a selfish bitch and complaining that Al's bday was on a Saturday, Saturday = date night. He was actually sitting on the phone contemplating what he was going to do... go to Alex's birthday dinner or go to his date. I said "Dad, your not actually thinking about this are you?!" I was so pissed that he could be that selfish! He apparently called his date and told her he wouldn't be able to meet her until later. At paintball he kept checking the time and being really pushing about leaving early to go to dinner. At one point I said "Dad! It's Alex's fucking birthday!" I informed him that everyone had other plans, things they'd rather be doing but it was Alex's birthday, he wanted to eat that late so that he could have plenty of time to play paintball. He wasn't the only one not wanting to be here, he was just the only one bitching about it like a selfish asshole! We left early because we didn't realize how disgusting you get with paintball grease all over you. I was disgusting so we went to mom's apartment (this was dad's first time there and he made zero comments about it, which Grandma and I thought was rude) to clean up a little bit. Then - the best part - we went to dinner, got there about 730, seated about 740, ordered food, it came about 8, dad left at 815. He just said "Well, I'm leaving." I thought it was so fucking rude and if he brings it up today I will let him know it. And I hope he does bring it up.
Overall, paintball was really fun. We all had a great time and loved seeing Alex be the best at yet another sport. He has a cult following of little boys up there that just love everything about him. It's really cute. I got to see the "hot russian chick" and I have to say I was a little disappointed. She was really good at paintball though. I did get hit several times but I actually got out of there without any bruises. Several shots on the hand, one ball exploded on my neck (actually didn't hurt as bad as you'd think), one square in the face (thankfully I was wearing a mask), quite a few on my arms and the most painful was on my thighs. Yet, no bruises. I had my personal proudest moment there too - it was just me and another guy, last ones out, and we were hiding behind blow up things on opposite ends of the "rink" and we both kept standing up and shooting at each other then ducking down. It went on for a long time and on my last shot, with my last paintball, I shot him. It was beautiful. And everyone cheered! It was awesome! Here are some pics. First one is mom in her mask standing on the side lines and then Alex playing on the professional team being a pro with those stances.
Today is the Gee Family Thanksgiving. I keep saying "thanksgiving at grandma's" but... grandma died last year and I don't why I can't grasp that enough to not say it every damn time it comes up.

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