Monday, December 10

Blogs of Note

I really don't agree that the chosen 'Blogs of Note' are all that special. They all seem to be about green peace, global warming or save the animals. I guess some people like reading about this stuff but I am not one of them. I wish they would choose blogs about normal people doing normal things. There was one that I really liked on the Blogs of Note and that was Mimi on the Breach, and it is about a woman with a child who is a professor from Canada. I really enjoy reading about her, but my absolute favorite blog is, she is a normal housewife with 2 kids and I love reading about all the crafts she and her family do. I guess this isn't what other people enjoy but blogspot is shitty if your wanting to read other peoples blogs and the Blogs of Note are really the only way to do that, but with the shitty choices... it doesn't help much...

that was my rant for the day.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Hey Samantha -- thanks for the kind words. It is kinda hard to find just regular people doing regular things, but still readable, huh?