Sunday, November 11

Living vicariously though a blog...

So... I mentioned this blog that I've been reading lately and I think I've become slightly obsessed. Maybe that's not the right word for it. The blog is written by a woman whose 27 (I think) and has the most adorable life. She's beautiful, has a perfect loving husband and an absolutely adorable 3 year old daughter. Her blog is about the things she did that day, her huge family, and all the arts and crafts that her and her daughter do. She has an SLR camera and takes amazing photos of her daughter in perfect angles with perfect light. I have read nearly all of her 300+ posts over the last week and she lives the life I always pictured I would have but I guess I'm not pretty enough to be her, I'm not old enough to have the children she has and the life experiences that have made her her and I'm not humble enough to live the perfect life she lives. I love reading her blog and living vicariously though it. She's amazing and a wonderful mother and wife. She had a second baby just as beautiful as the first and will probably have more in the future. It's weird how much I think about them, I find myself thinking during the day about what they are doing and checking her blog frequently for news of it.

I feel very strange about this... like I'm a stalker or something. I wish I were as creative as her, she makes some amazing things and gives them away occasionally on her blog, just for posting a comment. I think I might keep an eye out for one of these giveaways and try and win something. The the perfect picture of a housewife (she even wears an apron!).

I really think this is the last time I will ever bring this up.

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