Tuesday, November 13

Outdoor Pictures

So I finally got some time to play around with my camera and I really love it. I think I have an eye for seeing cool things to take pictures of I just need some practice getting things to look right. I'm really trying to take pictures holding the camera rather than on a tripod. If taking a still picture is just too hard I may have to use one, but I would really rather not.

I really like how this one turned out. I had the camera on "Close Up" mode and I really like how it blurs out the background but keeps the subject sharp. I thinks its focused on the water rather than the leaf, but I still really like it. Not bad for a first attempt.

I really like this one too. I am standing at the base of a big tree and shooting straight up. I didn't really catch it in the picture, but the sun was shining really cool through the leaves. Immediately after this I walked over to the edge of the pond and a red turtle was sitting on the drain, I started to move closer to get a picture and he dove in the water. Too bad. Maybe he'll be back out later.

Here's a picture of London and Lola. I really liked this because Lola's head is kind of cut off and I thought that made it interesting. I took lots of the dogs laying in the sun this morning and I experimented with 'Aperture' mode. I like this mode too but I can't really tell the difference between this and normal mode.

Anyways - pastas boiling... more pictures to come.

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