Thursday, November 15

Strange mood-swing...

I am so angry all of the sudden. I just got home from sitting at the car wash for the past hour, which annoyed me. I'm never going back to a car wash again, Jack needs to be the husband in this situation and take it for me. I hate them, I never can understand what they tell me to do, and I never have gotten the 'put your car in neutral and take your foot off the brake' thing - it's just not natural. And now I find out that skipping Library Materials on Wednesday was a very bad idea. I knew we'd be turning in out Historical Fiction book presentation, which isn't a big deal, but I didn't think that she'd be explaining our HUGE projects that are due in December. I completely forgot about that and now I'm fucking lost. I completely missed the most important day of the entire fucking semester... great. I just emailed her, but I wouldn't blame her if she just said "Figure it out yourself... you should of come to class." What could I say? I think it will be pretty easy to figure out and there are at least 2 more class days before it's due.

Did I even tell you about the Junior/Sophomore registration fiasco?! I had a tragedy on Monday that is so bad and irritating that I don't even think I'm going to mention it. I'll just say that I won't be registering on Friday with the Juniors, instead I have to wait until fucking November fucking 26th and register with the god damn sophomores. I'll get classes, but they'll be scattered all over the fucking place...

And fucking Six Feet Under season 4 won't fucking download - god damnit!

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