Thursday, December 6

Almost over...

Well... it seems I've survived my first semester of TWU. It feels great that I managed to finish the semester with all 8 classes - all 24 credit hours completed. I just completed my Earth Science class (I had one test and a final left to take online) and I have 4 classes left to take finals in. Those uncompleted classes include SCI 3003, MATH 1350 (at RICH), READ 3413, and LS 3013. The last final is Thursday Dec. 13th, over by 10am. I can't wait. I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do all winter but it's going to be so nice. So far I have a B in MATH 1533, a C in World Geog and a B in Earth Science. I'm not proud of those grades and am constantly worrying because I have to have a 3.0 average over the last 60 hours to get accepted into the masters program at TWU. My overall GPA is over a 3.0 (although not by much) but I'm not sure about the the last 60 hours. I need a couple of the classes that are still not completed to be A's. LS, READ and CDEC should be A's... but who knows with that fucking crazy CDEC teacher. Ah, gotta stop thinking about all this. Monday is over, Wednesday I have SCI's final at 1030 and LS's final at 1pm. Then Thursday I have READ's final at 8am. Then... I'm... done... ahhhh.

Well, mom told me that she kinda talked dad into paying for Spring semester out of pocket instead of getting it out of my account. But I'm not supposed to know because he wants to make it a surprise... lame. I hate having to fake being excited. It's so much pressure. But... I am very very glad that he is doing this. I want my fund to be intact when I plan my wedding so I know exactly how much I can spend and mom made the observation that most likely, I will spend less if it's coming out of my fund rather than out of their pockets. Very true. Hopefully Jack's parents will chip in some for that, that would be excellent - he mentioned that the grooms parents usually pay for the honeymoon - that would be wonderful!

Well, I'm heading to Willow Bend to have dinner with Jacky during his break. I'm going to take the clothes he got for his birthday that he doesn't like/don't fit and see if we can exchange them for something he likes better.

I guess I have some more books to sell on Amazon! Yay money!!

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