Saturday, December 1

And Dr. Jones comes around...

Well, you won't believe it. I had my 3rd SCI 3003 test on the Monday after Thanksgiving (remember me bitching about that?) and I felt really good about it afterwards. Well, Bonny, Mindy and I went to his office to get our tests before class so that we wouldn't be near heart-attack while he was passing them out and you won't believe it - I made a freaking 90!!!! As he was laying the scantrons on the desk looking for ours, all I saw was red X's, some people really failed bad, and I can't even believe that I freaking passed! Holy shit! I felt soooo good after that. Of course Bonnye had to one up me by getting a freaking 96. So my three grades are a 68, 57 and 90. That brings my average from a 62 to a 72! I am actually going to pass and deserve it. I'm not longer worried about him maybe bumping my grade up to pass or anything, I am no longer considering giving Dr. Jones a lap-dance. I am actually going to pass. Wow.

Well.... let's not get ahead of ourselves. There is still one more test to go. And doing the math quickly I have to get a 60 to still be passing on my own... hum... interesting. I really do feel like that test was easier. I felt like hadn't studied any differently or longer or anything, I just think that test was more on my level. Maybe Dr. Jones will be happy with the higher grades and make the next test like that too. There really isn't too much left to cover because we only have 2 class periods left to cover it but ya never know. I just need to study really hard for this next test and hope like hell I do good. Surely he'll pass me - haha, see I'm back to hoping again. Ah, college is a bitch.

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